Chapter 1: It all started

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It was happening again, the abuse. I Katherine Houghton Beckett, was getting abused, by Josh Davidson. I couldn't bare the pain anymore. I just couldn't. "Please stop! Please! Josh-" I screamed. He didn't care though, he just slapped me across the face and kept a firm hold of my naked hips. This has been going on for months now, three in a half to be exact. After he was done using me, he went to go take a shower, leaving me naked on the bed, and violated. Before he left he said, "I swear to God, if you tell anyone, you're going to hurt, for real!" Then a hit my ribs. I was so lost and didn't know who to turn to, my mom was dead, my dad a drunk, who?Sometimes Josh left me alone, but today was not one of days, those days were maybe once every week. He would sometimes compliment me, but that was rare. After I regained the strength to put on some clothes I did always wearing long sleeve turtlenecks and long pants. Whenever I didn't do something according to Josh's rules there would be major consequences. Once Josh was done with his shower he told me to go to bed, he spooned me and played with me, I cringed and fell asleep in pain.


Once I woke up I decided to go get something to eat before I went to the precinct. Josh was in the kitchen. "Hey babe, I had an amazing time with you last night." Josh said emphasizing the "amazing." "Yeah, well I didn't." I said under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear, but he did. He came around the counter and grabbed my waist, whispering in my ear, "Watch what you say bitch, I call the shots, you just do as I say." Josh said angrily, throwing me to the floor, my face connecting with the ground, then his foot connecting with my ribs, and abdomen. The tears were streaming gracefully down my cheeks."When do you come home, I get home by 4:00p.m., and I'm ready to have some 'real' fun." Josh said smirking devilishly. "I get home at 9:00p.m. tonight." I said. I lied. Hoping he wouldn't catch it. He didn't. Good. I then checked my phone, 6:43, "I'd better get going." I said, running to the bedroom changing, and then running out the door.

When I reached the precinct floor I only then realized how much my body hurts, and how hot it is. Crap, my sleeves, I can't pull them up. So I'll just have to deal with the pain. I sat down, my face slightly cringing from the pain. "Hey, you okay?" said the voice belong to the ruggedly handsome Richard Castle."Yeah, I'm fine." I reply."It's hot, you should probably change into a short sleeved shirt.""I'm capable of taking care of myself," I snap, "Sorry." I say."It's cool, here." He says, handing me my familiar coffee."Thanks.""Always. So what's the case today."I then explain the case to Castle, telling him how hard it's been trying to catch the killer, and how we are still stuck on square one.

Halfway through the day, I get aggravated so I pull up my sleeves out of aggravation, and heat. "Woah Kate," Castle says looking at my arms, "What happened?" I quickly pull them back down, and tense up. "Nothing," I say, "Just drop it." I now can't unfeel his stare."Can you just please stop?" I say feeling tears for some unknown reason."Beckett, who did that to you?" Castle says his voice full of concern and sincerity. I start to walk away. I can hear Castle saying something inaudible, the reason I can't hear it, is because my mind is blocking out present thoughts, and bringing in future ones, a horrifying future.

As I approach the elevator, I see Josh coming through the newly opening doors, and because I'm coming so fast, I scream at the sight, and at the timing."Woah, babe," Josh says, obviously annoyed, now that some faces are turned toward us including Castle's, "You earn something special tonight," he says with clenched teeth, "And it's not something good." He then grabs my arm feeling me tense up in pain, and in fear, dragging me into the elevator. Once the door closes he starts. He starts with a strong slap across the face, causing me to ricochet against the wall. I feel the red mark start to appear and the tears to form. As I fall to the floor he catches me and brings me back up, lifting me up a little to be at his level. He's sees the tears in my eyes, along with the fear of abuse, but he's know I know, that he doesn't care."You pull something like that again and I'll strangle you to death, okay bitch?" I nod, he says "good" then throws me against the elevator wall and unbuttons my shirt sliding his hand onto me. I try to pull away, and start to scream is when he starts to grind against me, I feel him on my side, and my tears start to fall like waterfalls.

Then he hears the ding and has me buttoned up and himself calmed down, as fast as lighting, and he then grabs my arm, and leads me to his car. As he opens the door and I enter, I pull up my sleeve and can already feel the bruise forming.

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think

- K

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