Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This

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I awoke once more to the screaming  of baby James. I turned over in bed, getting up. And once again Castle was sound asleep. I slowly walked out of his bedroom and into the darkness, I found my way up the stairs following the innocent screams of my baby. When I reached his room I opened the door, and found his room out of order. There were toys on the ground and books of of his shelf. I then quickly ran to James' crib to find him screaming his head off. I then picked him up, and cradled him in my arms. I looked around the room, for the person that could've caused this catastrophe. I slowly went back down the stairs, cautiously looking around the kitchen and living room. I searched every space big enough for a grown person to hide. I then went back inside of our bedroom, closing the door quietly and placing James in an extra crib, by Castle and I's bed. I then crawled onto the bed and shook Castle. "Castle," I whispered, "Wake up." He slowly stirred and open his eyes heavily.

"What's wrong?" He said wearily. "Someone's in this house." "What?" Castle then sat up, almost immediately. He looked around the bedroom, finding James sucking his thumb in the side crib. "When I woke up to his cries, I went up the stairs and into his room, to find it trashed. I then picked him up and came down here, and woke you." "Are they still in the house?" "I have no idea." "It's a good thing that mother's not home, and Alexis is with a friend." "Yeah, I guess. But what are we-" I couldn't finish my sentence by the sound of our front door slamming shut. Castle instantly got out of bed and ran to the door, locking it, then running back inside of the room. "Let's call the boys." "Definitely."  We called the boys, turned on the lights, and put on decent clothes, and awaited their arrival.

When a knock on the door came, I grabbed my gun, and proceeded to the door, I then swiftly opened it pointing my gun. Ryan and Espo  jumped and then I lowered my gun to my side and ushered them to come inside quickly. When they did Ryan started, "What happened? Why did you call us?" "Someone broke into our house. I'm pretty sure they tried to take James." I said sitting down on the couch. Castle followed with a sleeping James, in his arms. "When did this happen?" Espo asked. "Around 1:30. James was crying and when I went up to check, his room was trashed." "Ok, do you have any idea who?" "I don't know." "It could be Josh." Castle said plainly. "Castle," I scolded, "It can't be him, he's in jail, right?" "No," Ryan said, "He escaped. We don't know where he is. In every prison we put him in, he always seems to find a way out." "Oh." I said dropping my head. "Don't worry," Castle said, placing his hand in mine, "We'll get him, there is no way we'll let him hurt us again." I then leaned in for a kiss, which he gladly accepted.

In the morning we had cleared the house, and Martha and Alexis returned. We then updated them on the situation and we told them that we needed an hourly update, on when they were alone in the house. They just nodded and agreed to the terms. Martha then went to her room, and Alexis to go play with baby James. "She's getting so old." Castle said. "Who? Alexis? She's nineteen, she's not going to be your baby girl for much longer." I replied. "She'll always be my baby girl. And James will always be my little prince, and you will always be my very loving and very very sexy fiance." I smiled and blushed and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I then wrapped my arms around his neck. His hand slid down my back and grabbed my ass, causing me to jump a tiny bit. I then put my hands in his hair, ruffling the softness, and weaving it in and out of my fingers. The kiss was heated and Castle was massaging my back, and kissing the pulse on my neck, and I let out a tiny moan, he then slid his hand into my pants. I then collapsed at his touch. He caught me and brought me back up, slamming my back against the wall and door.  I then stuck my tongue deeper into his mouth, and cupped his ass in my hands. "Save it for the bedroom, kiddos." Martha said descending the stairs. Castle flew off of me, and he quickly removed his hand from my pants, and I removed mine from his ass. "Mother I- what are you-" Castle stuttered. "Save it son, I done it all before. I'm off to a retreat for a few days, goodbye sweet Katherine." "Goodbye Martha." I said awkwardly and embarrassed. She then pulled open the door and closed it theatrically.

I then moved away from Castle and went to the fridge. "So," Castle said seductively, "Would you like to pick up where we left off?" "Nope," I said pooping the 'p,' "The moment is ruined." "Oh, damn. But I was just enjoying the wonderful company of my hot fiance. Man, am I lucky or what?" "Castle you not convince me to have sex with you right now. Maybe later. Your boyish charm has to wait, for my fine piece of ass. I said walking by and rubbing it in his manhood. "I think you just created a major problem for me." He stated looking down. I just laughed and sat on the couch. "Well come yourself down and then come and join me on the couch." I said patting on the open space next to me. I then saw him breathing heavily and closing his eyes. So I gave in. "There is a way I can fix that for you," I sexily said getting up from the couch, and walking towards the kitchen. "Come on, I just fixed it. Thanks for that." Castle said disappointed and sarcastic. "I told you, I can fix that, but just not here." "Then whe- oh, I see, but where would you like to do this? The couch?" "Hell no. I was thinking maybe the bedroom, you know soft sheets, minimum light, my naked body. But if don't want to..." I then let my voice trail off, and walked towards the bedroom. Castle then ran after me, with his shirt already half way off. I laughed and let him throw me on the bed.

When we woke up it was about 2:00 in the afternoon. We were molded into each other, a mess of limbs, and mending souls. I sat up and put on underwear and one of Castle's shirts, I put on his red one, since I liked that one the most. I then carefully walked into the kitchen, the afternoon light, blinding my eyes. I then made some coffee, and an extra cup for Castle. Soon after the coffee was done making I sat on the bar stool, just enjoying myself, when I heard a tiny crying noise, that was progressing. I then saw Alexis heading down the stairs with James in her arms, crying and rubbing his eyes. "I tried to put him, down but he started crying, so I assumed that he wanted you." Alexis said walking into the kitchen. "Of course. Hi James! My cute little boy!" I said in my mommy-baby voice. I then saw James extend his little arms toward me while crying. I felt bad for him, and when he landed in my arms he stopped crying and just snuggled in. "I see that you two were busy." Alexis said as she glanced at what I was wearing. "Yeah, sorry, about that." "It's ok, he really likes you." "Well he's my son so I hope so." I said looking down as James played with the wavy curls in my hair, as he wrapped it around his tiny little fingers. I smiled. "Thank you for calming him down." Alexis whispered as she saw James close his eyes. "No problem, I'll put him to bed in a few." "Ok, thank you." "Any time." "Well I'm going to go to the library to study." "Ok, see ya later nut." "Bye Kate." I then watched as Alexis walked to the door and closed it quietly, careful not to disturb my baby.

At that time I decided to take James up to bed. As I entered his room, I turned off the lights, just leaving on his choo choo train night light. Once I laid him in his crib I kissed him on the head and walked out, leaving his door cracked. As I started to walk down the stairs I was grabbed, and a cloth was put over my face and I was slowly brought to the ground. "Hello, Katie, it's be a while." Josh said, as I let the darkness come over me. I tried to fight but I found that there was no use. That didn't stop me, it just made me fight more. But I couldn't help but give into the sleep.

RICK'S P.O.V. I awoke to a thud on the ground. My head was heavy and my whole body was weak. As I stepped out of bed, I kicked a syringe that was on the ground. I then checked my arm to find that I had been drugged. I then struggled to find a robe, and did my best to try and find Beckett and James. As I reached the stairs, I saw a body at the top of the stairs. My vision was blurry so I grabbed onto the railing and climbed them, reaching the body at the top, I kneeled to see that it was Beckett. I shook her, "Beckett, wake up." I said. I saw her roll over, but she was still unconsciousness. I shook her again, "Beckett, please, please just wake up." I shook her again, and saw her shake and stir. She slowly opened her eyes. "It was Josh," She said, I was shocked, "Check on James." "OK." I said getting up and slowly walking into James' room. When I reached his crib, I found that their was no one in it, just a tape. I picked it up and took it to Beckett and we listened together in agony, on the top of the stairs, mangled limbs, weak and sore.

Sorry if you guys find this update tedious, but I'll make it up to you, I've just been busy, but if you did like it then I'm happy.         -K

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