Chapter 28: YAS

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I decided to flash forward about three months to James' birthday party, so James is now 4.

KATE'S P.O.V. Today was James' birthday, and he's now 4! Time between me and Rick had gotten better but we have not yet regained are full relationship status yet. We've held hands and he's put his arms around me, but no kisses no hugs, nothing of that sort. We were down stairs preparing for the guests to arrive at the loft. Castle and I were decorating when James came into the room yelling "It my Birwfday! It my birwfday!" Castle and I laughed at how he announced it. "Your party is in just a few hours ok?" Castle said picking up the birthday boy and swinging him up and down and throwing him and catching him once again. James' laugh filled my heart with joy as I saw my big boy growing up. His anxiety has gone down quite a lot, and this made me happier than ever. A few more throws and Castle put James on the ground. James then ran around the room pretending to be an airplane and Castle then came my way.

"Hey," He said flashing his charming and ruggedly handsome smile, "He's better." "Yeah, way better." I replied scooting closer to Castle. He must've noticed because he then pulled me to his side and en-laced our fingers. I smiled at this and James then came flying around the corner of the couch, he said. "Yay, Mommy and Daddy are back together!" "No! No no no" I quickly fixed this conversation. "Why?" James said a quick frown appearing on his face. "Because I haven't totally forgiven your daddy." Rick then let go of my hand and scooted away, my face went glum. "Oh." "It's ok though, just get ready for your party." "Ok." Then James ran of like a "happy" little boy.

- - -

A few hours had passed and the party had gone great. The people that we had invited knew perfectly well how to cheer James up. They all played games and once the cake had been eaten became even more hyper-active. A few hours more and the party wound down. All the children were going to spend the night, so while they were all upstairs, Castle and I prepared a floor full of pillows and blankets and sleeping bags, with a sort of small fort feel. When James and his friends came down, they all ran to the "sleeping area" and started playing with each other. By 10:47 the last child had fallen asleep. Castle and I were going to stay down there till 12:00 to make sure that everyone was ok, before we went to sleep. Castle sat down next to me and I turned toward him and smiled. I felt whole again, and that our relationship is close to being back to where it was. Castle then moved a stray piece of hair away from my face and cupped my cheek after. I blushed deeply and stared deep into Castle's eyes. I saw Castle leaning in and most of me wanted lean in and connect our lips, but the other part of me was scared that he would hurt me again, so I leaned away.

"I'm sorry, I just thought-" Castle began but I cut him off. "It's not you Castle, well it is, but- just- if you want this to work between us, I need more time." I said, wanting to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss me. "Ok." "I'm sorry." "No, no don't apologize. But you know what I would like." "Sex." "Castle-" "Sorry, it was a joke, what?" "I'd like a hug." "Always." Castle finished and leaned in giving me a giant hug that made me feel safe. I breathed in his scent and teared up slightly. I missed Castle, but I let him in and he hurt, me and I thought it was just a matter of time before he would do it again. I wished so much that we would be whole again. I didn't want the hug to end, but I knew it would eventually. So I pulled away. I saw the pain in his eyes, the pain I had in mine, that he knew he was responsible for.

I then looked down at the sleeping children before us, to try and stop myself from kissing Castle, he must have noticed my change in behavior because he scooted farther away, which killed part of me inside. "I'm going to go get some water." I said, standing up off of the couch. "Wait." Castle says grabbing my hand, pulling me down and smashing is lips onto mine, pushing me against the couch. I quickly pushed him apart. "Rick I just-" I started, but before I responded Castle replied. "I know what you said, but I can't stand another minute, of not having you with me every night. I'm tired of you sleeping at your place, I miss you. And you always come back before James wakes up, so he thinks we're happy together, but I know that you don't think that." "Castle I miss you too-" "Then let me show you how much I miss you." Castle says laying his hand on my thigh and leaning in. At first I hesitated and pulled back, but then something made me lean in and I connected our lips. A fire filled sensation spread throughout my veins and my life felt whole when my lips touched his.

"I love you," I said panting, "I never stopped, could you forgive me." "Why would I need to forgive you, you forgave me and that's enough." Castle said cupping my face with his hands, I then climbed on top of him so I was straddling him, we were going a little to far but this was well deserved. We then heard a little sleepy voice say, "Mommy?" I t was James. Castle and I flew from eachother and landed on opposite sides of the couch. "Hi baby." I said. "Are you and daddy happy again?"


SORRY for not updating, my life is hectic. But thank you for so many reads, and I will definetley update again for you guys by tomorrow, thanks for being loyal. -K

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