Chapter 5: Seriously

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As Castle and I entered the hospital I grabbed his hand. He gave me comfort. His skin against mine felt right. As we reached the desk I heard the lady at the desk gasp. "Oh, dear, are you ok?" She asked. "We need to get her examined, and you need to fix her broken bones." Castle said, smiling down on me. The nurse (or whatever) indicated for Castle and I to follow her. Once we reached our destination, I sat on the examination table, and she asked me a few questions. "Ok, now Miss, I'll go give these to the doctor and he'll see you shortly.

Castle saw the worry in my eyes. "It's going to be just fine." he said. "I know, well sort of." I said, somehow smiling a little. He cupped my face with his hands. I stared into his big blue eyes. And placed his other hand on my back, I squirmed. "Sorry, sorry. I forgot." He said. "It's ok, I barely feel any pain when I look at you, or when you touch me." I smiled and blushed when I said this. He just looked at me. "I love you," he said. I smiled and started crying. "No I'm sorry. I know it's stupid, please don't cry." "No no, it's not that," I say, "I'm crying because I feel the same way, I love you too." He leaned in our lips were about to touch when the curtain was pulled open.

"Hello, I'm doctor Josh Davids- Kate." Josh said. "Oh my God! Josh please I-" I was about to finish but he cut me off. "You little slut, I'm gonna kill you." Josh said angrily coming towards me with his hands reached out. "Josh no!" I screamed. His hands were inches from my neck when Castle intervened. Castle and Josh tumbled around the roomuntil Josh hit Castle in the face. "Josh!" I screamed wanting to get up and help Castle. But I still couldn't move. I still had a black eye which blurred my vision. I managed to stand up, but fell to the ground once I was hit by Josh. He had knocked out Castle and started towards me. A few nurses and doctors ran in and Josh acted like Castle was the bad guy, and that he knocked him out to help me.

"What happened Dr. Davidson?"asked a doctor. "I was trying to examine this wonderful lady when this man started to attack her." He said pointing down to Castle. "You mean this man? The Richard Castle attacking this lovely woman." Said the doctor shocked. "Yes." Josh said. I tried to respond but Josh then wrapped his arms around my shoulder squeezing it causing me to not answer because of the immense pain. I tried to overcome the pain but I couldn't I couldn't talk, and it was killing me.

"Let's get security and get this cruel man behind bars." Josh said still holding me. "No." I whispered as loud as I could. The only person who heard me was Josh, he then grabbed a tighter hold of my shoulder. Then two robust men came in and took Castle out of the room and probably taking him to the 12th. "I'll help this woman with her cuts and bruises." Josh said. "No!" I screamed my voice is working! "He's the one who hurts me, he's the one who hit Castle, he's the one who should be going to prison, not Castle. Now I'm going to go to a different hospital, and to go see Castle. Now I'm going to go hail a taxi."

I stood up and tried not to fall. I exited the hospital and got seated in a cab. Success. Halfway through the cab ride I got a phone call. "Hello." I said. "Yo Beckett, why is Castle in jail?" said Espo. "I'm on my way and I'm going to set this straight. But Castle has done nothing wrong. Get an APB out on Josh. He's guilty." I said determined. "Wait I," I cut Espo off. "I'll explain when I get there." We said our goodbyes and I told the driver to speed up a little. Once the driver reached the precinct I quickly threw my cash at the driver and ran.

When the elevator stopped on the right floor I ran, holding my ribs. "Woah Beckett," said Ryan, "are you- do you-" I stopped him. "No!" I screamed all heads turning, "Where's Castle?" "He's in holding." "Thanks." I said running towards holding. All around me people were asking if I was alright or if I needed any help. I was tired of it. I finally reached holding, and I was out of breath and had tears in my eyes. When I reached him he was talking with another man in his cell. I hid and listened.

"But I didn't do it man, I swear. It was my father. Me and him have a bond, so I'd rather die for my old man, than give him up." said his cell mate. "Oh well, as I was saying," said Castle all peppy, "She was being hurt and there was nothing I could do about it. I've always loved her, since I first laid eyes on her. I know that sounds kind of creepy but-" "Nah man, it's not creepy, it's deep, a girl that you're describing she needs a man like you."

"Hey Castle." I said coming into the light. "Beckett, hi." Castle said. "Wait this is who you were talking about?" said his cell mate." "Yeah." "Damn, she is fine. And I see what you mean she does need you." "Hey," I said with a fake hurt voice, "I actually do need help, I need you Castle." "I need you too. Beckett where's Josh." "I don't know." "You don't know?" "No, I'm sorry, but the focus right now is to get you out and in my arms." "I love you Kate." "I love you too Castle." We smiled and gazed into eachother's eyes. I could tell he was lost in my hazel eyes. I got lost in his, again. He reached his hand through the cell and I grabbed a hold of his. Our eyes met and we smiled. "I want to kiss you so bad." Castle said. "I know how you feel." I said. I'm gonna get you-" I was cut off by Gates. "Detective Beckett." she said, Castle and I's hands quickly flew away from each other.

"I uh- hi sir." I said. "Are you ok?" "Yes ok! Holy crap, can everyone just leave me alone about it!" "Detective-" "Sorry sir." "Mr.Castle I know you would never hurt Miss Beckett, so we will do everything in our power to get you out." Gates left and I was determined to get Castle out.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

- k

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