I'm Terrified.

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Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up from my slumber, only remembering last night. How i knew i loved General Tomlinson. Then, i heard quiet arguing. I sit up and look seeing Louis standing nude. I enjoy looking at him until i notice Grimshaw grabbing at my arm, Louis having a gun to Grimshaw's head. I looked at Louis in desperation and fear. "If you shoot me Tomlinson what will your little faggot think of you." Grimshaw remarks. 'I'd still love him the same i do now.' I thought about saying it, but i knew i would get hurt doing so. Louis clenches the gun tighter glancing at me with a gentle look. This is why i love him. "One day you won't be here Tomlinson, and when that day comes i will be waiting. Harry will be mine whether you two like it or not." Grimshaw then leaves Louis and i's presence.

Louis crawled back in bed after checking the clock. I turn away not wanting him to find out i fell for him. I don't know if he is ready for that. When he said it in the infirmary, i thought he was just saying it in the heat of the moment.

When i know Louis is asleep i sit up and just look at him for awhile. When i am good and ready i stand up leaning over the side of the bed, I kiss his forehead and leave. I love him.

When I get to the showers i cry when i see all the bruises that are still there. I walk underneath the warm water hoping to be alone for awhile. I push my hair out of my face turning around, letting the water just hit my back. I start thinking of Louis standing there naked with a guy at gun point. It was really hot. The more i think about it, the more turned on i get. My member starts the notice, turning into a raging hard on. I turn on the cold water not wanting to deal with a boner at this hour of day. I honestly only want Louis touching me, but i can't do that. I don't want to blurt out that i love him. I don't want him to hate me.

Once i'm done with my shower i get dressed and head to the courtyard not wanting to eat. I just wait for the boys to be here.

After awhile the men start to show up. As soon as they are all here, i see a distressed Louis run up. He had bags under his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot. I wonder what happened. "Alright ladies." he yells. "Today we are shooting." i flinch remembering what had happened a few hours prior. "A quarter of you will head to the sniper range. Another will head to the rifles. The third quarter will head to the grenade range." I zoned out for the rest of the speech, someone tapping my shoulder pointing me where to go. I walk over to the group seeing as i was in group C, i stood in the background trying to blend in.

I hear Louis yelling at one of the men who beat me. I carry on ignoring again. After awhile i lose sight of Louis wondering where he went i look around. He is talking with another private in group C. I look towards the ground seeing the private walking over to me. "Hello, My name is Ashton Irwin." He puts his hand out to shake mine. I look up at him and shake his hand back "Harry." I look back to the ground after introducing myself. I go back to doing nothing until Louis tells us we can stop for the day but to stay rested and ready for tomorrow.

The curly haired boy i now know as Ashton, won't stop following me. I try to confuse him by going into Louis' tent, but he just sits outside waiting for me to come out when i do that. I stop walking, turning around glaring at him i shake my head. "What did General Tomlinson say to you and why do you keep following me." He just looks at me with a smile. "I don't mean to freak you out, i just like the way you look and stuff nothing major." I gave him a dirty look. "I'm taken. Now stop following me, and if i see you doing this again? I'll go straight to Tomlinson himself." Ashton then looked at me with a smirk and walked away.

I continue on with my day normally. I read a little bit, wanting to get my mind away from everything. All the sudden the boy Liam told me about popped into my head. Niall Horan. I haven't stopped wondering what he did to be killed the way he did. I know Liam said he was a faggot, but what was he like was he fun? i decide to get up and ask Liam himself.

I look around for awhile finally seeing Liam with someone behind the cafeteria. "Hey, Liam." I walked over seeing he didn't hear me. I walk closer seeing Liam with another man. They were kissing. "So," i say louder so he can hear me. "You killed Niall because why?, Because he wanted to tell everyone and you didn't." I walk up to them and realize he was kissing Zayn Malik, another private. Zayn pushes Liam away form himself shoving me over, running away. I stand up seeing Liam on the ground bawling. "Liam?" He looks up at me trying to stop himself from crying. I pull him into my arms trying to stop him from crying.

He looks at me. "Niall was the love of my life. When the other privates caught us kissing last year, nothing went well. They all promised not to tell the General's if we got out of a relationship. We had been dating for years but we didn't want to die. When we went to the bathrooms late at night, we thought everyone was asleep. We were wrong. Next thing we knew i was making love to him in the showers. We were being so careful. Niall was being quiet.. The man walked in going to the bathroom. He saw us and threw i knife at us... I blocked the knife from hitting Niall... it went straight into my chest. The man then thought tying me up would be a smart idea. He then raped my love, My happiness. Niall was never the same after that." I looked at Liam in confusion. "If he didn't die from that then how did he die?" Liam started crying harder after that. "He committed suicide." He stuttered out. When i heard that i completely understood why he didn't want to tell me.

When i was done calming Liam down he ran off to find Zayn. I walked up to the bunks seeing Louis' tent tied open. I looked inside not understanding why it was tied open.

I then see what i never wanted to see in my entire life. The love of my life holding a gun to his head.

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