Your in a Coma, but i still love you.

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Harry's P.O.V

Two days later 

I have been sitting here for two days now. I have been waiting for the love of my life to wake up. A injury induced by Grimshaw. Once Louis shot himself, i leaped onto his limp body. I looked over at Grimshaw to see him laughing, i leaped onto him punching him repeatedly until he was unconscious. I called a nurse and had her come over to the tent grabbing both boys. I picked Louis up while she dragged Grimshaw to the nurses quarters. 

Once i had made sure Louis was safe i went and showered coming back to find out his body had pushed him into a coma. My Louis was no longer safe. My Louis was most likely suffering in his lifeless shell of a body. I just wish i could pull him out and save him. 

"You've been here for days Harry, you need to go get some real food and get some exercise." I stare at her in shock. "Gemma how dare you think i would leave Louis alone in his time of need. I need to be here when he wakes up. I need to apologize for being a jerk and ignoring him." She shakes her head at me and leaves just like she did yesterday.

Four days later 

Gemma walks in begging me to leave again, i just look at her fury in my eyes. "You can't make me leave Gemma, I love him! Get off my back already and worry about someone else! I know it's almost been a week because you yell at me once a day to leave him. I'm not leaving him and you need to just understand that." I look back to Louis once she leaves. I start crying and lay my head down on his arm. I start bawling, hoping that nobody hears. 

Five days later

It's the fifth day since Louis has been in a coma. When i woke up my face was stuck to his arm, i really hope nobody saw that. That would be embarrassing. When i looked up at Louis' face his cheek was stained with tears. "Louis?" I kept looking at him. Another tear slips down his cheek. "Louis.. are you okay, is this the sign that your okay?" I keep looking at him the crying stopped. I really hope my baby is okay.

I get up and pace around the room. Gemma comes back and he just glares at her knowing what she has to say. just the basic 'Go get food and exercise, maybe get some rest.' I'm just sick and tired of the constant nagging. I can take care of myself. When i hear Grimshaw groan i give him a glare. "You wanna know pain? Huh Grimshaw. Think about the love of your life being in a coma some loser caused." Grimshaw looked at me in pure anger. "Maybe if you weren't so loyal to your boyfriend there, we wouldn't be in this situation." I then left it be. Not because it was true, but because i wasn't willing to fight with an ignorant asshole like him.

A few hours later

Once i had found out they had shock therapy for things like this to get Louis to wake up i knew something bad would happen. Louis went in for his shock treatment. I then saw them put things in between his teeth and tongue so that he wouldn't bite down on his mouth in any way. So, it happened. He started shaking and then that's when i saw it. Blood coming out from his ears. I started screaming for them to stop and to look at his ears, they all ignored me. 

I rushed into the room screaming. "HIS EARS THEIR BLEEDING, YOU BLOODY IDIOTS!" I went into a panic attack not knowing what to do. They gave me a shock to calm me down and i started getting sleepy. "I love him. I really do." I then fell into a dreamless sleep.

When a woke up, I was strapped to a bed. Most likely to make sure i wouldn't wake up in a panic. Maybe for if i started thrashing around. When i got up out of the bed unlatching the restraints, i went in search of a wild Louis. When i found him his ears were bandaged and his eyes were open. I rush over to the side of the bed. "How long have you been awake?!" Louis looks at me just moving his eyes. Oh he's in that kind of coma now. I nodded. "I'm so sorry for leaving you alone love.. I'm sorry for making it seem like I didn't love you anymore. I just was afraid to tell you that... I love you. I love every part of you. From your personality, to your good looks. Your amazing kisses. The way you wake up in the morning. The way you speak. The way you move and use body language. I love you. Louis Tomlinson." I saw tears streaming down Louis' face i wiped them away kissing him delicately on the lips. 

Louis closed his eyes and i understood that meant he was going to sleep. When he fell asleep i heard Grimshaw and Gemma talking 

"Harry seems kinda weird to be honest Gem's why do you need me to turn him away from Louis? They are perfect together." I here Grimshaw say. "I love Louis. That's the only reason i came here Grimshaw. If you can't get them away from each other then i'll just have to do the best i can with what i have." Why would Gemma get attached to Lois that way knowing i was in love with him first. Louis is gay anyways. So, he wouldn't leave me right? No he wouldn't what am i saying. He loves me. Only me, and it's going to stay that way. 

When i left the tent i bumped shoulders with Gemma roughly. "Harry what the hell is your problem? what did i do this time?" I looked at her eyes filled with fury. "You Gemma Anne Styles. Are trying to steal Louis from me when it is obviously to late. So why try to get wheat you can't have." Gemma just glares at me. "Harry you really think Louis Tomlinson the general of the Vietnam War would want you? Your just some child." I looked at her, hurt clear in my eyes. "Louis Tomlinson general of the Vietnam War has already told me he loves me." She looked at me eyes clear full of shock. "He did?" She stuttered. "Yes, he did Gemma. He made love to me. In his tent. I am in love with him. He is and will always be the only person i will ever love for the rest of my life." She looked at me shock still clear in her eyes. I nod my head and walk back into the tent. Knowing that if i didn't, i would loose one of the most important person in my life. 

When i went back into the tent i heard someone speak to me. "I love you Harry. I always will." I look over to see Louis sitting up smiling at me, tears rushing down his face. "I love you too Louis." I rush over to his side kissing him passionately, hoping for the best i held him close. Standing up him wrapping his legs around my waist. "I'll be the strong one for the both of us now." I say pulling away putting my forehead against his.

He will always be the love of my life. 

"Ahem." We hear someone say. We turn and see the Admiral. "Louis Tomlinson. You are here by announced, put to death penalty of being gay. Putting others at risk of death." 

We look at each other and i start running. Louis still in my arms.

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