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***Melanie's P.O.V***

A pathetic  squeak left my mouth as my eyes fluttered open, and the second the white lights burned my vision they snapped shut again. A squeeze on my hand alerted me that I wasn't alone.
"Mel?" I forced my eyes open again, and a blurry face floated into view. I blinked a few times, and the dots swarmed into focus. Long chestnut curls, and glowing green eyes.
"Baby, talk to me." The voice pleaded. I licked my too dry lips, and opened it to speak, but my mouth was too dry.
"She needs water." The same panicked voice demanded. Suddenly something was pressed to my  papery lips, and a warm hand tilted my chin back, and cold liquid filled my mouth. I swallowed eagerly, and I felt the coolness trickle all the way down my throat.
"There you go." His voice whispered. I tried opening my eyes one more time, and I let the haze fade away, his face now crystal clear.
"Harry." I whispered. His lips formed a soft smile.
"Yeah, it's me, baby." He informed me, his hand brushing my hair back off my face. "You're in the hospital. The boys are here, too."
"Momma!" Darcy's sweet voice rang through my ears, and I smiled, blindly reaching for my daughter.
"Be careful with mummy, okay?" Harry softly instructed. Soft curls like Harry's bounced, and the bed dipped as Harry lifted  her onto the bed beside me. Little arms wrapped around my neck, and he nuzzled into me, making me smile.
"Hey darling." I cooed, wrapping my arms around her.
"Miss you." She whispered, and I stroked her back gently.
"I missed you and daddy too." My eyes connected with Harry, and his large hand grabbed mine, our fingers lacing.
"Mummy is coming home soon." Harry assured Darcy, his eyes never leaving me.
"But Danielle took good care of you, didn't she?"
"Mmm." Darcy hummed, her never letting go of me.
"Stupid for you ever dumping that one, Liam." Louis snorted. My eyes turned to the other side of my bed just in time to see Liam whack Louis in return, making me laugh.
"Oh, because you were so lucky with the ladies." Liam teased.
"Hey, hey, I get chicks. I am just more selective."
"You both are hopeless." Niall cut in, laughing to dodge to punches Liam and Louis swung.
"Morons." Harry groaned.
"How are you feeling?" Niall asked, and I shrugged.
"Relieved to be away from Zayn."I shivered at the mention of his name. Flashes of what he put me through raced through my mind, and I winced in memory.
"Hey, you come back to me, right now." Harry gently ordered, warm hands cupping my face. My eyes flew open again to see concern etched all over Harry's features.
"You're past is probably dead by now." Louis said.
"What?" I asked, Harry didn't stop stroking his hand down my cheek. Darcy was clearly curious with what her dad was doing, and mimicked his actions, her tiny hand trailing down the other side of my cheek, making both Harry and I laugh.
"Charlie, Alex, and Kendall are ending him. For good. If they haven't already." Louis explained.
"Kendall." I repeated the name. More fragments of memories flooded back, and I remembered all Zayn had explained.
"Speaking of which," Liam chipped in," don't get me wrong, glad  the lad is alive, but wasn't he...dead?"
"Ah, yeah." Harry awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, his eyes beckoning an answer out of me.
"Long story." I sighed. They all looked at me in anticipation. I sighed, before  retelling the whole story, explaining what I went through from start to finish. By the time I was done, everybody looked beyond shocked.
"You never knew about his twin?" Harry gasped.
"Kendall mentioned an estranged brother, but not the twin part." I said delicately. "We both came from troubled pasts sort of, he didn't talk about his family, and I never talked about my parents death."
"So Zayn exploited a mentally-ill man, all for his own gain?" Louis asked incredulously.
"Apparently." I mumbled, stroking Darcy's hair, who had long ago fallen asleep on my lap. 
"Bloody hell." Liam breathe out.
"I knew he was twisted, but..." Niall trailed off.
"Speaking of bloody hell," All our eyes snapped up, and Charlie, Alex, and Kendall all stood in the doorway, looking haunted.
"It's over?" Harry asked, and Alex nodded.
"Oh it's over." Alex grimaced.
"Like we promised, he died pleading." Charlie said bluntly. My eyes widened slightly, but I didn't feel remorse.  Zayn was the devil.
"Good." Harry sighed, his eyes returning to me. "I messed up letting him live the first time."
"How did he die, I mean, he paid right?" My voice quivered.
"He felt your pain, and then some." Kendall spoke up, and our eyes locked. Within a second he was by my side and he collapsed, his head burying into the pillow.
"I'm so so sorry Mel." Kendall cried, and my heart ached with sympathy.
"It wasn't your fault." I consoled. "He made you do that."
"I can still see you crying and screaming when I close my eyes." He croaked, and I grabbed his hand. Harry tensed on the other side of the bed, but he took a deep breath and allowed it. 
"I don't blame you. Truly. I was just as worried about you. And more than anything, I am thrilled you are alive." His glassy eyes rose up to meet mine, and I smiled earnestly.
"I wanted to get to you.  To warn you. But Zayn, he kept me locked up."
"What?" I gasped, and all the boys around us  tensed as well. "You've  been held hostage all these time? It's been years!"
"My conditions were a lot better than what you went through." Kendall shrugged. "I had the cabin, a bed, food supplies. But he bolted everything up to prevent me from escaping and warning you."  My head shook, and I struggled for words.
"Kendall, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." He repeated my words with a forced smile.
"Kendall." Harry's voice stole our attention. "I'm sorry. For killing what I thought was you, but your brother." He seemed sincere, and I kissed Harry's hand, and he smiled back.
"I mean, I suppose if Mel has forgiven you, shit happened and got resolved, but I would like a explanation." He said, and both Harry and I nodded.
"We'll tell you everything." I agreed, and Harry took a uneasy breath.
"The minute Mel is recovered." Soft lips pressed my the top of my head and I tilted my head towards him.
"I'm fine now." I argued, and Harry scoffed.
"Okay, so I am healing, but I can talk." I recovered, making Harry's lips thin to form a straight line.
"Okay." He sighed, picking up Darcy who was still sound asleep and cradling her in his lap.
"Oh goodie," Louis teasingly rubbed his hands together. "I do love a good love story."
"Yeah," Niall laughed, "and this one is a doozy!"

Tired Of Feeling Alone (Sequel to When a murderer comes knockingWhere stories live. Discover now