Cynder Explains Things

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After Spyro and Cynder resume their journey you might like to put this song on: Such Great Heights, by The Postal Service. It's a really nice and relaxing song that I think really suits the scene.

Spyro and Cynder flew together, the ground passed by far below them; the volcano that was their first landmark loomed ahead. The winds and weather were perfect for flying, the sun was pleasantly warm and the two dragons had a brisk tailwind to speed their way. Every few seconds Spyro flapped his wings lazily to maintain his course; Cynder didn't even need to do that.

Warfang had disappeared into a smudge on the horizon. Cynder was glad to be gone; the great dragon city had never looked quite as nice as it did when it was fading into the distance. Now there were no friends or enemies, there were no Guardian dragons, no teachers, no crowds of strangers. It was just her and Spyro flying alone, together.

"If this tailwind lasts then we should reach the mountain in less than an hour." Spyro called to her. Cynder shifted her wings slightly to bring her course nearer to Spyro's so they could talk.

"Of course it will last. I'm creating it." Cynder said. Spyro stared at her in amazement.

"I should have known you could do that." Spyro said. Cynder twirled.

The black and purple dragons flew silently for a few minutes. Spyro stole glances at Cynder, soon he he noticed her noticing he was looking. After that he stared unashamedly.

"What are you thinking?" Cynder asked.

"The way you fly is beautiful. I was wondering what it might be like to be a wind dragon." Spyro said. "Can you tell me about what it's like?"

"I'll do my best."

Cynder twirled again as she thought; trying to find a way to describe how flying felt to her was difficult, she didn't even know where to start. Flying made her feel like her body weighed nothing at all, she could stop or accelerate to unbelievable speeds at will, twist and turn in easy defiance of the three laws of motion and complete disregard of the force of gravity, she felt like she could do anything, how could you explain the way that felt to anyone?

Wind was freedom, it was whatever she wanted it to be, taking her wherever she wanted, however she wanted. Intimately caressing her wings and body, surrounding her completely, flowing into and through her until she couldn't tell where she ended and the sky began. It was a deeply personal feeling, and simply impossible to describe with words.

She came out of her twirl upside down, but she flew that way as easily as she flew upright. Spyro stared.

"How can you do that?"

Cynder flipped back to normal, it was disconcerting talking to an upside down Spyro.

"Wind doesn't need up or down, it just goes where it wills and so do I. I don't quite know how to describe this."

Cynder found herself wishing Spyro had a wind element; he deserved to be able to experience what she could. She wanted to share it with him.

"Relax, stop flapping your wings." She told him. Spyro obeyed, he began to lose his course, but he waited for Cynder. Cynder glided below him, matching his course perfectly. The wind gently raised the two of them in harmony. Spyro didn't need to flap his wings any more, the wind kept him aloft as it did Cynder, but it just wasn't the same.

Cynder flew closer, bringing her hips into contact with Spyro's, then the rest of her body, she even aligned her wings and tail with Spyro's.

Spyro traced Cynder's scales with his paw; the line of her upper back was a gentle curve that it felt natural for Spyro to rest his paw on. He felt the muscles move easily below her smooth skin. Her entire body resonated magic. Cynder in flight felt different to Cynder on the ground; her scales were somehow connected to the wind, it rushed over and around her body, surrounding her. When Spyro put his paw right against Cynder's scales the effect stopped, but the wind clung to her body in in the tiniest gaps between the two dragons.

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