"We are investigating her accident." Corporal Williams answers.

"Can it wait, she's tired," Jasmyne stated folding her arms.

"It's fine Jasmyne," I replied. I just wanted to get this over with and bury it all for good.

She nodded and sat in the chair next to me.

"How did you lose control of the car?" Sargent Garrison asked.

"I was driving fine until...." My head began throbbing. It got a pretty nasty blow. "Something hit me, right here." I pointed to the spot on my head. I know I liked to speed but I did not do it with a death wish. I am a careful driver, I even slowed my speeding a little. After all, I was carrying precious cargo.

I should have gone slower. Or cried in the car before I drove off. I should have walked or taken a bus. I should have never gotten behind the wheel of the car. I should have taken the boat. I would not have caught him cheating as yet but I would still have my baby. I would still have my marriage. I would still be happy. Oblivious to the kind of man I was married to but happy and pregnant.

"We are gonna have to take a look at the wound." Stated corporal Williams.

"Wait a minute, what kind of investigation is this?" Jasmyne asked."It may turn out to be an attempted homicide, we found a jagged in your car stone with blood on it."

Jasmyne stiffened next to me. I did not think I heard that right. The accident had messed up my hearing. What I just heard could be the truth. Homicide. Me, an attempted homicide victim."It's not a match to any of the other stones on the bank you rolled down." He added.

Jasmyne huffed she was angry, so was I, someone tried to kill me. I did not worry about what had hit me back then. I was too busy trying to regain control of the car. Now that I thought about it I realized that it was the reason I ended up here.

Corporal Williams called a nurse to remove the bandage. Sargent Garrison took some pictures then let the nurse replace the bandage.

"Did you see the person who threw the stone?" Asked Corporal Williams.

I tried as best as I could to recall what happened. I turned onto the main road and.....I saw someone walking up ahead. Who was it? In a large T-shirt. A guy, no there were no pants it was a woman. In a grey t-shirt. My grey t-shirt. She disappeared and I paid no attention to her. "That bitch." I huffed in anger. "She murdered my baby."

Tears welled in my eyes but I blinked them away. "I lost my baby because of her." I should have noticed that T-shirt stealing homewrecker ahead when she disappeared I did not register but it was at the moment she must have retrieved the stone that hit me. Oh my gosh. I thought she was gone. I watched her leave the yard. I had not expected her to be lurking around wanting to kill me for what was mine.

This twist has become very revolting. She caused this wretched train wreck I have been tossed on. What did I ever do to her? She was the one who took my husband. She was the one in my house wearing my clothes.

"Mrs warren?"

I looked at sergeant Garrison. "Yeah."

"Do you know who it was?" He Asked.

"I don't know her. She was walking up ahead. I didn't pay much attention to her."

"Have you ever seen her before the incident?"

"Yes....oh dear... she was in my house....with my husband... I made her leave..... I watched her leave." It's all his fault. His bitch and her jealousy did this to me.

"Your husband knows this woman?"

"Yes, he does," I answered. This was becoming more humiliating by the minute. I never thought I would get cheated on like this. Oh, who was I kidding? I have played out dozens of cheating situations in my head. Sometimes we split up, or I never found out or we were both cheating, or I was or we were able to work it out... But never have I lost a baby due to his cheating. These separate horrors never joined forces in my brain. I was paranoid but not crazy. The reality, however, has managed to shut me up.

Jasmyne got up a dialled someone's phone number, no not someone's number, Kyron's number. I had a feeling he was around. She left without saying a word.

Sargent Garrison looked up from his notepad. "Did you get into a fight with her?"

I thought about it, but being pregnant I choose not to put my child at risk. I should have beat her ass down. I know better now.

"No, we did not even argue. I just told her to leave and she left."

"We will have to question your husband."

"You better go after my sister," I announced.

Sargent Garrison looked at me. "Why?"

"My husband, she's gonna kill him."


Dun dun duunn. Is it just me or does Jasarie have a serious case of bad luck? Attempted homicide like really, who the heck did that T-shirt stealing homewrecker really think she was? I hope you enjoyed this chapter.



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