Chaster 12

253 9 3

Finally updating because I actually have some time to. I recently broke my phone so if you see a lot of errors on spelling, just know that I don't mean to. I would use my laptop but it's getting fixed.

Anyway, I know I've been skipping time, like that date in this story to like one week later and such (if you don't understand what I mean, I'm sorry) but that's how I'm making the story.

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It's already October 22nd. It's been a month since everything has happen between the two. Days have been going rather fast ever since they stopped talking.

Harry wanted nothing to do with Louis and Louis wanted nothing to do with Harry. There were those days when one of them would get a feeling that they miss the other out of know where. It made them feel sick, even hurt.

Harry always thought of actually trying to get Louis and him to be friends again but he would back out and drink.

His drinking problem has went down. Niall helped him stopping. Instead of beer, Harry would just drink a lot of milk or water until he gets sick then take a nap.

He's even been going to parties. Niall tried stopping that but that didn't work. Niall even bought milk once to the party for harry to drink instead of beer but that didn't turn out right.

That's been going on for the past month. Then there's Louis, who's always with Sophia and Eleanor. Sometimes Liam would be there too since Harry has been being an ass to Liam lately.

Louis is always with the girls. Even Lottie tags a long so he can have more important people around him and to forget Harry. Even though he has, kind of.

Right now, Louis, Eleanor, Lottie and Liam are all at the mall. Sophia couldn't come since she caught a cold.

Liam joined the three so he can buy Sophia some candy and clothes. It's his and Sophia's anniversary is tomorrow, October 23. It's gonna be two months for them. They started on August 23rd, before school.

And Sophia being sick, it's a great moment for him to buy her stuff without her seeing it.

"Liam, Sophia would so love this!" Louis squealed and held out a necklace that's shaped into a heart and has the word, 'Mine' on the front of it.

Liam put back the jewelry he had in his hand and went over to Louis and grabbed it. He smiled widely at it and nodded.

"Louis, this one is super cool. You're the best at picking jewelry" Liam exclaimed. Louis said it was nothing.

Liam then checked the price. His eyes went wide eyes and shook his head. "Uhm, this is a little to much, Louis. Sixty dollars. It's cheap but I didn't bring enough money"

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