Chapter 4

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"Okay class, I didn't give you any work or homework today because it's the first day of school but you will be getting homework nex-"

Mrs. Rose couldn't even finish telling the class what she wanted to tell them since the bell ranged. Louis sighed happily at the thought of finally getting to talk to Harry if they walked together.

Louis packed his stuff and when he turned around to ask Harry if the two wanted to walk to there next class, Harry was already leaving. His feelings got a little hurt, did he really want to get away from me that bad?, Louis thought. He just shrugged to himself and put his backpack on and walked his way out of the class.

He didn't even get far away from the class before he felt an arm go over his shoulder. He let out a shriek and turned around just to see Harry laughing. Louis huffed and pouted when he noticed Harry made Louis knock off his flower crown.

He was about to pick it up but Harry beat him to it and bended down for it. Louis smiled at him. Surely Louis thought Harry was going to hand it to him but instead, Harry looked down at the smaller boy and placed the flower crown on his head.

He didn't just put it on top of Louis' head, no, he actually made it go around his forehead and fixed his hair. Louis looked up to the taller boy and blushed. He couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Harry bite down on his tongue as he fixed it.

"There. Your flower crown is now fixed on a pretty boy" Harry smiled brightly down at Louis. Louis thanked him and the two bagan to walk to second period.

The both of them walked side to side in comfortable silence. It wasn't awkward. It was nice. Louis was happy to walk with him even if they weren't talking. It just shows that someone is Bessie your side.

Louis would see Harry glance down at him in the corner of his eye but wouldn't point it out. He tried not smiling which caused him to bite down on his lip for the whole time.

"So, Harry, how come I've never seen you around here?" Louis asked suddenly. He didn't want the two of them to stay silent.

"Will, I've always done online schooling until this year. My mom wanted me to actually go to school, not online schooling. So, I did and I'm here. I'm not new. I've been here in tenth grade. You wouldn't know since you were in ninth and at a junior high school" Harry explained everything and pointed it out at the end.

Of course Louis had to be a grade lower than Harry. If he wasn't, he could've of met the handsome boy already. Louis nodded at him and asked why did he do online schooling. Like, why go to high school for the first year, leave the second year, then come back for the last year? Doesn't that seem odd.

"Sorry Louis Tomlinson, but that is personal. Something I should not tell anyone even to someone like you" Harry bit down on his lip piercing.

That made Louis very, very confused. Why would he say someone like Louis? That made him think badly about himself. Was it because he was different than others or what? But everyone has secrets so Louis didn't think about it, for awhile.

All Louis could do was nod and tell him it's fine. Harry awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and just kept on walking.

Louis didn't think about what Harry had said but how can he not? Of course, it made him wonder. Why would he say that and not something else? Why couldn't he just say it was personal and be done? Did he really need to add the last part? So many questions ran yet no answers.

It wasn't long until the two were near art class. Louis looked down at the floor and walked a little faster to his class. He didn't think Harry noticed since he was on his phone but he did. Harry grabbed his wrist before Louis could be in the class and spun him around.

"Hey, please don't think about what I said. I didn't mean it to sound bad. I promise it's nothing" Harry took in his bottom lip and bit down on it. Louis nodded but still had his eyes on the floor.

Harry placed his finger under Louis' chin and lifted his head up and said, "I'll see you later, okay? Right after class, I'll be out here, waiting to walk you to your next class" And with that, Harry placed a soft kiss on Louis' cheek and was gone.

Louis couldn't help but smile, widely. He could feel himself get red. It hasn't even been 24 hours since the two met and Louis already finds that boy amazing. His stomach filled with butterflies. Shit, more than butterflies. He liked the feel.

"Really Tomlinson, you already got over me that quick with Styles?" Louis' feeling, he liked, disappeared and he became angry.
He turned around just to face his fuckboy ex boyfriend; Zayn Malik. The Bradford boy leaned on the classroom door and gave Louis a smile. Louis huffed in annoyance and just walked into the class, shoulder hitting Zayn who stumbled back.

"Awe, come on princess, you don't have to be rude" Zayn said through chuckles. Louis ignored him and just kept on walking to an empty seat but he could still hear Zayn walking behind him.

The classroom was pretty big due to them needing space for the art supplies. The tables weren't close. They didn't want someone knocking stuff over when the walk past another's table. So, it took awhile for Louis to get to the first row of tables. It was right by a window so he wanted to seat there.

Zayn kept on talking to Louis but he simply ignored the fuckboy. He got out his headphones and plugged them into his phone. His music played and his favorite band, 5 Seconds Of Summer came on and started playing his favorite song; Wrapped Around Your Finger.

Louis was a huge fan of the 5SOS boys. He's been to concerts but never met them. He wants to to. They're Louis' biggest idols ever. His favorite is the colorful kitten, Michael Clifford. He found Michael very funny, caring, loveable, adorable.

Louis begin to hum along to the song, ignoring the boy behind him who kept talking. The music wasn't playing loudly, he could hear Zayn talking about how he could do much better than Harry but he just acted it was in full blast and ignored him.

That's when Zayn finally had enough and ripped Louis' headphones out of his ears as he sat down on the chair of the table. Louis got scared and looked up to the boy.

"Look you little brat, ignoring me won't do anything. It won't stop me from showing you what you missed out" All Louis did was laugh at Zayn who had such a serious face on.

"Really, Zayn? That's it? Was that suppose to scare me or something? You can do better than that. Now, leave me alone. I ain't got time for fuckboys" Louis took his headphones back from Zayns hand and shooed him away.


A/N: Way to be sassy my baby! You do you boo!

What do you think about Harry saying what he said to Louis?

What do you think about Zayn?

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