Chapter 6

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{Not edited}

Ever sit in a class and get the feeling that you can't sit there any longer and want to leave? That's how Louis felt right now. He was currently sitting in English. He sat in the far back corner, constantly moving around in his seat.

At the moment, he was assigned a simple workout seat. All he had to do was share things about himself. Everyone in the class was quiet, listening to music. Louis did the same but his music wasn't helping. He just feels so...nervous? He kept over thinking about how him and Harry were going to be together after school.

Yes, it was just him and Harry hanging out and watching at movie at his house but that really never happened to Louis. Sure he goes hangs out a lot bit that's either with his family, Lottie or Sophia and Eleanor, never with a guy, alone. You see, Louis never hung around guys.

He grew up with girls in his life. His dad was never there for him. Louis' dad left him and his mom at a very young age. The last boy he really ever hung out with was his ex, Zayn. But, that ended badly. Louis was still scared that he will get hurt again. He still wasnt fully over it. And it happened almost four months ago.

Louis sightly groaned in frustration and tried working on his dumb paper. This was the only paper they had to do for the day and Louis still hasn't finished it. Everyone else was done and talking with there friend, not Louis.

"Louis, hun" Louis felt his shoulder get tapped and took out his headphones. He picked up his head from his paper and saw his teacher in front of him, Mrs. Swanson.

"Yes?" Louis simply said. Mrs. Swanson looked down at his paper and sighed, "Louis, you have barely anything written on your paper. What's wrong?" Louis shook his head.

"I don't know. I've been thinking about things and I'm just nervous" Louis blurted out as if she knew what he was talking about. She nodded and pulled a chair up to his desk and sat in front of him.

"What's making you nervous?" Louis didn't mind that she asked. She was a wonderful teacher. She would understand. She's on around twenty nine. Her advice was amazing, to Louis.

"Will, I met this boy today and he asked if he wanted to watch a movie after school. I said sure and that's our plan in like an hour. I'm nervous. He's really sweet and nice to me. Also very cute. I just don't want to get hurt again" Louis explained it all and she listened.

Mrs. Swanson patted Louis' arm and gave him her best advice, "I understand why your nervous but don't be. You will for sure have the best time with the boy you met. I know you don't want to get hurt but your young and should focus on still being young. Enjoy it while you can and forget about getting hurt"

Louis couldn't help but smile widely at Mrs. Swanson's advice. He found it true and amazing. Hr loved that she didn't care that he was into guys. She accepted him for him. He nodded and thanked her repeatedly. She smiled at him and told him to finish the paper if he wants to leave class and make it to that movie.

So he did. He put his headphones in his ears and listened to Cher Lloyd, Sirens, while he was answering dumb yet easy questions. He hummed along the song and just kept on going with a smile in his face.

Soon enough, he was done. It was two pages but it seemed as if it took five seconds to do. He found himself a bit silly since he complained about it being two pages. In the top right hand corner, he wrote his name and a small quote for Mrs. Swanson.

'Live while your young:) Thanks for the advice !'

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