Chapter 1

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{Louis' outfit is on the top or the side}

"Louis, may I please do your makeup for today?" The sound of his door opens and Louis looks up from where he is just to see his younger sister, Lottie.

He happily nod and grabs his make-up. He heard her sequel and grab my stool. As she grabbed the stool for Louis, he got the bag. He turns back and hands her the bag and sits down on the stool. She puts the make-up brag on his neatly made bed and began to put on his pink blush.

"Do a fishy face, please" She asked him. He did as she told and let her go on with the blush.

Louis isn't a girl nor is he confused about his gender. He's a boy who loves makeup. It shouldn't be made just for girls. Its made for everyone and he is everyone so that means he can wear it. He didn't care if people thought it was weird. His family accepted it and that's all he cared about.

Sure he barely had friends but he stayed happy. If people couldn't accept him for him then he didn't need them in his life. He can get judged all he wants. Even from girls because he knows they're jealous that he looks way better in make-up than them.

"Its no fair that you look better in this than me" Lottie faked a pout as she added massacre to her brothers eyelashes. Louis laughs at the comment and flutter his eyes open when she was done.

"Lottie, you're a beautiful girl. It doesn't matter" Louis smiled at his sister.

"Thanks, Lou. Your the best" She wrapped her arms around his neck which made him giggle and hug her around the waist.

Louis and Lottie had a great bound. She taught him how to use makeup two years ago and he gave her advise about boys. They always spent most of there time with each other. She was the first to know about Louis wanting to wear makeup and cute girly clothes like flower crowns and sweaters.

Those are Louis' two favorite things in the world, besides his friends and family. For his 16th birthday, he received lots of sweaters and flower crowns. He even makes his own when he is really bored.

"You should get going. Its your first day of school in 11th grade" Lottie grabs Louis' hands and gets him off the stool. She quickly checks his outfit and tells him it looks great. He thanks his sister, grabs his black and white flower crown, backpack and leaves his room with his sister behind.

As he went down the stairs, you could hear his boots click on the wooden floor. That's how his mother knew he was on his way down. Lottie didn't wear boots and the others are still asleep so she knew it was her gorgeous son.

When both Louis and Lottie reached the kitchen, they went there separate ways. Lottie had to go and get ready herself for school. Louis got greeted by his mother with a plate that had pancakes on it. He thanked her and placed his backpack beside his chair and ate.

"Are you excited, boo?" His mother asked her son as she sat next to him with her plate of food. He chewed his food and nodded with excitement.

"I'm ready for this. It will be fantastic. Hopefully people are over me wearing girly stuff" He shrugged at the end. His smile vanished when he spoke the last part.

Sure he always says he didn't care about the people who judged him but sometimes the names would get to much and he would break down. But, he was hoping this year would be better.

"Even if they aren't, they're just jealous of you, baby" His mom placed her hand on his shoulder and kissed his forehead, trying not to mess up the flowercrown that he was wearing.

"Thank you, mom" He smiled. Just when he said that, his iPhone vibrated in his pocket. He wiped his hands on a napkin and grabbed his phone. Once he unlocked it, he saw that he got a text from his number one best friend; Sophia Smith.

Him and Sophia have been friends since ninth grade when he started wearing makeup. She thought I was weird that a boy weared makeup but she pushed past it and found out the real him which she loves very much.

He squealed when he read the message he had received from his best friend.

From: ∞ Sophy ∞

I'm here, at your house to give your sassy ass a ride to school:)

To: ∞ Sophy ∞

Yay! I'll be out in just a few seconds.

After he sent his text, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and went to put his plate in the sink. He placed the plate in the sink and kissed his mother goodbye. He shouted a goodbye to Lottie and got told to have a great day.

He grabbed his backpack that was one the floor and cleaned it. He slung it over his shoulders and left the house. Once he stepped out, he saw Sophia's beautiful white 2015 Toyota Camry. Sure it wasn't the best car in the world but Louis loved the way it looked.

Louis jumped and down and ran over to his best friends car. Sophia noticed Louis coming and opened the door for him. It wasnt long until Louis was I'm the car. The two hugged and started buckling up.

"I've missed you so much" Louis said very loudly as the two went there way to school.

"I've missed you too, Lou. What did you do this summer?" She winked at him. He rolled his eyes playfully and turned her face to look back at the rode.

"I've been with my family, that's all. Even Lottie. We spent a whole week together. We watched lots of movies, ate, and we went shopping. Damn, I sound like a totally girl" Louis laughed. Sophia laughed along.

"That sounded fun. I'm glad you and your sister had a lot of fun. I actually gotten into a relationship" Sophia tried to hide her smile but failed when Louis started squealing.

"Details. Now" He said with a demanding voice. He didn't mean to sound like that but he needed to know who has his best friends heart. Not saying he likes her. Nope. There just friends. Plus, he's gay. Been gay since the ninth grade.

"We met at this fancy restaurant where my mom took her and I. Liam, his name, ran into me while I was going to the bathroom and that's how we started talking. He gave me his number, we talked, he asked me out on a few dates and I became his girlfriend" Sophia chirped.

"Damn, girl. Get some. Thats such a cute story. I'm glad you found someone" Louis said happily to Sophia. He hoped he found someone but he's young and he isn't into being a relationship since he hasn't even had his first kiss yet.
"Thank you. I'm so happy with him. He makes me so happy. Not as much as you though" Louis was thankful Sophia still picks him over her new boyfriend.


A/N: Was this good? Sorry that I made Louis sound so girly. Like girly as hell. But oh well. It's really freaking cute!

Vote and comment please:)

All the love xx -Angel

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