Chapter 5

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{Not edited}

"Hello my sunshine" A deep voice came from behind Louis who turned around with a giggle. He giggled because he got called sunshine.

"Sunshine?" Louis asked through his wide smile. He put his sweater paw over his mouth. He couldn't stop smiling and it probably crepped out Harry so he covered it.

"Yeah. That's your new name. Its because your smile is beautiful and bright" Harry grinned at the chest nut boy and shrugged.

Louis just nodded and went ahead to get his lunch. They were probably holding up the line. Louis grabbed his tray and placed pizza, a drink, and a small bowl of salad on the side on his tray. He wasn't really hungry like Harry who got more food than Louis.

Louis didn't know whether to wait for Harry or to go. He could see Sophia waving him to come over at the table she was at. Louis mouth 'one second' That's when Sophia noticed Harry behind Louis but Louis didn't know he was. Sophia winked at the two which made Louis confused however, Harry smiled and put his arm over Louis in surprise.

"Come on, sunshine. Let's go sit down" Harry whispered into Louis ear. Chills went down Louis' spine but he just nodded and the two walked.

Was it bad that Louis started getting these feelings towards Harry? He's barely known the guy yet he finds him the most sweetest guy ever. Its not like Louis could stop the feelings. It was impossible.
It wasn't long till they got to the lunch table where the others were at. Harry and Louis sat next to each other. Sophiam were in front of them, Eleanor sat on Liam's right since Sophia was in his left and Niall sat on Harry's left, across from Eleanor.

They all weren't talking though. El was on here phone (like always), Niall was listening to music as he ate, Liam kept making Sophia giggle and shit, and Harry and Louis just chatted.

"So, sunshine, what would you like to watch after school?" Harry leaned over and asked the smaller boy.

Louis simply shrugged as he took a bite out of his pizza. After he swallowed the food, he asked Harry, "What do you want to watch? You can choose"

Harry shook his head, "No. Your the guest. You choose and we will watch it" Louis nodded and just thought about it. His face lit up and he asked shyly, "Can we watch D-Disney movies?"

Harry couldn't help but smile at the older boy who just asked that. He found it cute how Louis asked shyly. Harry nodded, "Yes we can"

Louis giggled and went back to eating his pizza. That's when Liam heard the giggle from Louis and asked, "What's so funny, Louis?" Louis simply shook his head.

Liam didn't let it go though. He shot a look to Harry and asked what the two were talking about. Harry smirked and said very proudly to Liam, "Louis and I are going to my house after school. Netflix and chill"

That's when Eleanor dropped her phone, Niall burst into laughter, Sophia gave Harry a glare, and Louis, will, he sat there frozen. His face was all red.

"What?" Was all Harry said.

Sophia was the first to say something, "Netflix and chill? Really? You do know that means other things other than netflix and chill?" Louis looked at her dead serious.

"Sophia, calm down. He was just messing around. Nothing will happen. I barely even know him too" Harry agreed with Louis and Sophia just rolled her eyes and left the cafeteria. Liam chased after her.

"Will, that went great" Niall laughed. Eleanor gave him a glare and he went quiet. That's when the two awkwardly got up and left.

Louis and Harry sat there, silent. Louis was a bit pissed though. How could Sophia think that they were going to do other things than watch a movie? Sure that's what it meant but Harry was messing.

And, he would never do that. Louis was still a virgin. He was still waiting for the right person. Yes, that sounds super cheesy but it's true. He wanted it with someone he loved. Not for the hell of it.

"Louis, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make her mad like that. I was just joking" Harry said, rather low. Louis looked at him and shook his head, "Don't be sorry, Harry"

"Will, I am. But it's now the past. Do you wanna get out of here and go do something before our next class?" Harry asked. But he didn't wait for an answer. He took his and Louis' try and dumped it.

Louis smiled and thanked him. Louis grabbed his backpack and Harry's and handed it to him. Harry thanked him for that and the two left. Before they knew it, they were outside.

Laying side by side, looking at the bright blue sky. They were pointing out what the clouds looked like. They caught a bit since Harry saw the cloud look like a turtle but Louis saw a snial.

They just laughed it off and went back to pointing the clouds out. While Louis was looking at the sky, Harry couldn't help but admire the pretty boy.

He found everything about him beautiful. His personality, looks, giggle, everything. It's all Harry really wanted but knew he couldn't have him.


A/N: Sophia needs to find her inner chill.

Anyway, it's like 2am and I'm updating. You know why? Because I can't sleep and I have school in 5 hours.

It's my first day of school and I'm super nervous. Hitch that fact why I am up. I can't sleep because my stomach feels weird and I'm shaking. But I'll be fine.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry it was short. I didn't really have great ideas for this chapter. But I promise, the book will get better.

Goodnight xx

Flower Crowns & Sweaters →LarryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon