"Goodnight, Niall. I love you." You kiss his forehead and fell asleep right after.


"Babe, I'm going! I'll try being back at 12 or something." Niall grabbed his wallet and phone.

You've been studying all day and didn't realize it became so late. Niall came home this morning at 3 and he woke up with a huge hangover but that didn't seem to stop him from still going to tonight's plans. You thought that he'd be too hungover to go anywhere and he'd be cuddling you and you'd finally have some time with him.

You walked out the study room up to him. "Okay, have fun. I love you." You hug him. He kisses you for the very first time since he came home yesterday.

"Love ya." He says and walked out. Well, atleast you got a kiss from him and an 'I love you' so that motivated you to study again.

Tonight was just like this morning; Niall came home just after 12 and instantly fell asleep. He threw up a few times so you had to take care of him. If he had fun, then that was all that mattered to you.

For the past few weeks, it was a pretty much the same routine every night. Niall went out with friends, he'd get home drunk out of his mind, you had to take care of him and then repeat.

You barely even had time to study because he was constantly on your mind, wondering if he was okay and if you have to take care of him again. You finally had enough. You and Niall even lost communication, you barely spoke. You didn't want to be this way anymore so you packed your bags and went back to your flat you hadn't been to while Niall was on tour. He won't even realize you were gone, you thought to yourself as you pulled infront of your flat.


"Y/N, Harry has gamenight tonight, wanna go?" Niall yell out from the kitchen as he was on his phone, eating on his snacks. No answer.

"Y/N?" No answer.

"Babe? You here?" Niall began walking through the house. Lastly he went upstairs and saw your closet door open with nothing in it.

Niall's POV:

*new message*

Harry: 'Hey man, game night at my house at 6. Liam's coming over with Sophia and Y/N should come too.'

Me: 'I'll ask the Mrs. Haha !"

"Y/N, Harry has gamenight tonight, wanna go?" I yell out to Y/N. There was no response. Strange because usually she'd respond or come downstairs right away.

"Y/N?" Still no anwer. I walked through the house but no sign of her. I quickly walked upstairs to see her closet door open, but it's empty. Panick starts to rush over me as I ran to her closet to see absolutely nothing in it. I waked over to her side of the table which was completely empty, even her drawers. Everything of hers were gone. All her toiletries, everything! I walked to the study room where Y/N was most of the time and saw the desk empty except for a note. It said;

'Dear Niall,

If you see this letter it means that you actually realized I'm gone. You are probably on your way to another club and realized I didn't come down to say goodbye. I had enough Niall. The first day you came back was the first sign that we lost communication. You didn't even kiss me and didn't even hold my hand like you used to. That exact day you went with your friends, not even wanting to spend time with me. It feels like I don't even know you anymore because we never talk anymore. I love taking care of you, but not when your so drunk that you don't even know where you are. I feel like I'm not even your girlfriend anymore and it's breaking me, Niall. I feel like you're not happy anymore and would rather spend time with friends and I feel like you're only doing this as an excuse to not hang out with me. If that's what you wanted, you could've just tell me and not go out all the time, leaving me wondering how you are and if you're safe. It left me heartbroken.

I'm sorry Niall, I still love you.

- Y/N'

No fucking shit!

No, no, no, no! This can't be fucking happening! Fuck, why am I such a fucking dick! Why didn't I realize the shit I've been doing. I'm was breaking my girl's heart and I was too shit to even realize! I thought she didn't mind me going out but thinking about it and all that I did, I didn't rind her how beautiful she is, I didn't tell her everyday how much I love her, I didn't make her feel safe, I didn't even notice I lost my princess before it was too late.

You're a fucking dickhead, Niall!


Requested by mnh0826 :)

Okay I know that was a shitty ending but y'all should know by now that I suck big time in it. I hope y'all like it even though this is not my best. Finals are in a week so I'm spending more time on that instead of writing. I'm sorry xx

- Nella x

Niall Horan Imagines❤ Part 2Where stories live. Discover now