Coustem party and a drunk Tony Stark

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“Alright.” I said as I followed Katherine out of the school. I pulled out my phone and sent a text.

J: We’re going outside keep an eye out for Jason.

M: Alright

I put my phone away and continued to follow behind Katherine.


I was looking for my Katherine but I couldn’t find her. “Hey guys I’ll be right back.” I told my friends before searching the crowd for my sister. I notice someone moving outside the gym doors in the hallway and went to see if that was her. I pushed the doors open and saw that no one was out here. I was about to walk back into the gym when I was pushed against the wall. “What have you done to Katherine?” the man who was at my house that night asked. “What are you talking about?” I said. He put his hand up to my neck and lifts me up. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, you brain washed her.” he said. “I swear it wasn’t me Loki.” I said. He put me done put still keep me against the wall. “How do you know-” “The same way I know that Katherine is a vampire and not my sister.” I said. “Listen there isn’t much time we have to find Katherine. Do you know where she went?” I asked. “She left with her friend Jade, why is something wrong.” he said. “I’ll explain later but right now we need to get to Katherine fast.” I said.


“Wow so you think that all your dreams and stuff is real.” I said. “Yeah, I mean I guess, I just’s like I know but then I don’t want me to know you know.” she said. “No, Katherine I think that you might be a little over edge with you still recovering.” I said. “I don’t think its that.” she said. “And what you think that Loki is right, come on Katherine he isn’t real.” I said. “I drank his blood.” she said. I stared at her. “You did what?” I said. “I drank is blood and I saw things, images maybe even memories but I drank his blood and it taste so good. And I know that drinking blood isn’t normal so what if I’m not normal.” she said. “You are a normal teenager who must have gotten bumped pretty hard in the head during the attack, and for all we know you could have just dreamed that stuff up.” I said. “No I think that’s not it, I want to get to the bottom of this.” she said before turning around and walking away. I pulled out my phone again.

J: We have a problem

M: what is it?

J: I think she’s starting to remember, and not on her own I think a certain god is back and helping her

M: Our master won’t be pleased, grab her and meet me back at the car

I put my phone away and smiled. Go time.


I really did want to get to the bottom of this. I pulled out my phone to call Jason when Jade appeared in front of me. “Jade how did you.-”I said but she cut me off. “There’s been a change of plan, we can’t let you remember anything and from what you’ve been telling me I think that Loki has been helping you.” she said. “Who’s we?” I said. “I have to take you with me.” she said. “I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me what’s going on.” I said. “Fine I guess we have to do this the hard way.” she said as veins came from under her eyes as they turned blood shot red but her eyes were golden and she had fangs. She was about to attack me when a stake appeared in her stomach. “KATHERINE!”I looked Jade. “Jason?” I said. In his hand he had a cross bow and behind him was Loki. “Leave her alone you bitch.” he said to Jade as he shot another stake at her. “It’s about time that I got rid of you.” she said as she attacked Jason. “Katherine run!” he yelled. I looked at Loki who was looking behind me.

I felt someone grab me from behind and start to drag me away than I heard a scream. Me and the man who was dragging me looked and and saw Loki’s hand in Jades chest. She turned towards us and mouth words to the guy holding me. It looked like she was saying Good bye Mark. Then Loki pulled her heart out of her chest. “JADE NO!!!!”Mark said before dropping me and going to Jades life less body on the floor. He looked at Loki and I could see anger in his eyes as he jumped onto Loki who easily pushed him off. “KATHERINE RUN!!!DONT GO HOME JUST RUN WILL LOOK FOR YOU!” Jason yelled as he helped Loki fight Mark. And I did exactly what he told me to do run.


I ran always to the front of stark towers and wasn’t out of breath. I stopped by a bus stop and sat down on a bench there. I closed my eyes what is going on, Jason and Loki is back there still probably fighting that guy, Jade is dead. I know I shouldn’t care because she was probably going to kill me but she was still my friend. Can anything else crazy happen. “IM WALKING ON SUN SHINE WOOOOOOOW!!”I open my eyes and saw a man across the street. He had a bottle of what looked like Scotch in his hand. So he was drunk. “I MISS HER, I MISS MY KATERINA!!I WANT HER BACK GOD DAMITT!”he yelled up looking at the sky as he walked in the middle of the street. I heard a honk and noticed that a truck was coming fast and was about to hit him. I got up and ran for the man and pushed him out of the road before the truck could hit him. “Are you crazy?” I said. I looked at the man and notice who it was. “You’re Tony Stark.” I said. “That would be me and your-”he stopped and he looked like he sobered up. “Katherine.” he whispered. “How do you know my name?” I asked. “Your alive.” he said. “Yes.” I said. “How is this possible.” he said standing up. “Is this dream.” he said. “No and I have to go.” I said. “Wait take this I never got to put this in your grave.” he said handing me a folded up picture. I unfold it and saw it was a picture of him a women and…me. I dropped the picture on the ground as I started to fell light headed. “Katherine.” I heard Tony say before I fainted. 

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