"Hey, it's okay," he cooed, his fingers escaping from the confines of my hands and wrapping around my own. "They wanted to protect you. It's safe to say neither of them particularly like me."

"They told me you'd never even followed them to the hospital, how could they? They hid everything from me! You told me you loved me and they kept it from me like it was nothing!"

"That's exactly why they kept it from you, Jess. They didn't want you finding out and coming back to me. Just forget about it."

"Why are you so calm about this? You say they don't like you but you were with Zayn the other night."

He shrugged his shoulders, and I swear I saw his jaw tighten momentarily. "He didn't mean any harm. They were looking out for you." I was slightly suspicious about the underlying robotic tone to his voice.

"Harry," I whined.

"Forget about it!" he responded in a lighthearted voice, raising his eyebrows at me, to which I frowned. "I'll make you forget..." he smirked, and started steering my hands down towards his crotch. I made a squeak of complaint and fought out of his hold, attempting to wriggle away from him but being caught and hearing his deep chuckle next to my ear.

"Behave," I grumbled, giving in and letting him sink his chin into my shoulder again.

"I'm not sure I can, it's been too long since I felt your mou-"

"I said behave! Don't be getting too big for your boots already."

"Alright, alright," he breathed, calming down from his laughter. "What do you want to do today?"

"We could go into town? Do some last minute Christmas shopping?" I suggested. Christmas was only a few weeks away and truth be told I hadn't done any shopping for presents. It didn't even feel like it was that close.

"Whatever you want," he said in a smooth and slow voice that made the hairs on my arms stand on end. I could really get used to this Harry.

Eventually we dragged ourselves out of bed and took it in turns to hop in the shower. I had literally nothing with me since I'd been planning on staying at Mckenzie's, so I had to put my clothes from yesterday back on and stop off at hers in the hopes of collecting my things. We decided we would also stop off at my house so I could get changed and whatnot.

It came as no surprise that Mckenzie and Louis had 'made up'. The two of them were still tucked up in bed when I rang the doorbell, this time actually getting an answer. Mckenzie looked like death, but again that was no surprise. She whispered to me asking to know what had happened between Harry and I since I was with him whilst I picked up my bag, but I gave her a 'we'll talk later' look and she nodded understandingly.

The second stop was my house, and I was dreading finding out who was home. I didn't want to face Niall after everything he'd done to get on my bad side recently, and I knew he'd flip if he saw me with Harry. It's safe to say I was gutted when I saw his car parked outside, but I was totally confused when I saw not only both of my parents' cars as well, but also one that looked all too familiar.

No, I was imagining it. They wouldn't be here.

Harry parked up down the road a bit and we strolled up to the house. He looked somewhat sheepish waiting behind me as I opened the door, and my heart literally stopped when we made it through the porch. Sitting on the sofas in the living room was my mum, my dad, Niall and Liam.

"What's this? An intervention?" I laughed anxiously, standing in the doorway with Harry behind me. I didn't want to go in any further, I was scared that what I was joking about may actually be the truth.

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