Dan's POV

"JESUS PHIL STOP ASKING IF IM MAD IM NOT FUCKING MAD" I scream slamming the door of our apartment maybe a little to hard, and stormed into the kitchen still kinda freaking out about earlier today.

"You seem pretty mad..." Phil muttered under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear.

"Phil I'm okay, I just got annoyed for a minute there. Don't worry I'm just really tired, and when I'm tired you know I get bitchy....I think I'm gonna head up to bed now actually." I say, trying to assure Phil I'm fine AND I TOTALLY DONT KNOW ABOUT THE ENGAGEMENT RING OR ANYTHING.

"But I thought we were gonna watch a program and set up the Christmas tree!" Phil seemed disappointed...I really feel bad for ditching him, but I need time to think. What do I say? When will he do it? How will he do it? Will I say no? Do I even want to marry Phil?!

Stop it Dan of course you do.

No...no no no no no...I DO NOT LIKE PHIL THAT WAY! Or....do I? Well, I, shit. Yea......I definitely need to go to bed and think.

"Phil I'm so so sorry I'm skipping out on our program and the decorating," I say slowly, adding a fake yawn for extra proof, "but I'm gonna end up falling asleep before you can even get the box with the ornaments! I promise we can do something tomorrow, yeah?"

"Actually Dan..."



"I have a big, uh, surprise, umm thing, tomorrow for you..." Phil said very nervously, playing with the sleeves of his jacket.

Jeez. He must be proposing tomorrow! SHIT. It HAS to be that...Phil only plays with the sleeves of his jacket when he's really nervous...heck, the last time he seemed so nervous, it was our first performance for the tour, and that was INTENSE...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck this is gonna be big I need to be prepared at all times tomorrow.

I try my best to calm my brain down, and say to Phil, with my voice just barely not cracking, "Oh! Alrighty then, can't wait! I'll see you in the morning Phil."
I begin to do the long trudge up the stairs to my bedroom, feeling his eyes burning into the back of my skull.

As soon as I make into my room I flop down in my bed exhausted, trying to process all that has happened today...

You love Phil.

You love Phil.


"FUCK I LOVE PHIL." I whisper/yell to myself, finally admitting it out loud after it played over and over in my mind.

I'm so nervous for tomorrow, I feel like I could have a breakdown at any second...

Wow guys I took SO SO SO long to update but I did it!!! I'm so sorry I'm a lazy ass who is also a huge procrastinator but I finally had like an hour with nothing to do and I had to be quiet soooooo... YOUR WELCOME! okay I'll update again v v soon I PROMISE THIS

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