Scamming the Prince: Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

I looked to the hospital bed to see Sophie's eyes beginning to flutter. She had heard the noise too. I got up and walked over to the door, opened it, and poked my head out the corner. The nurse from yesterday, along with two others were smiling innocently at a man standing in front of them, his back to me. 

"We have many children you can greet. In fact, there are many in the play area right now!" the nurse that shamed my father yesterday, said over-excitedly.

"Well, yes, but I was hoping I could visit a child still in their room." a deep voice answered them. He sounded flustered and highly uncomfortable.

"Your highness, I would be honored to direct you there," another enthusiastic nurse nearly-shouted.

'Your highness'? What was royalty doing here? Wasn't this portion of the kingdom---the poverty-stricken part---supposed to be ignored? They always found a way to annoy me, now they were probably here as a publicity stunt. I could see the latest gossip that would be circling the kingdom now, "Did you hear?! The Royal Family is visiting ill children at that poor hospital. How sweet." I could almost hear them squeak with their overly expensive gowns.

Then everyone would go on and on about how kind the royal family was. But didn't those three women from the store say the King was on bedrest? In the middle of my mental rant I heard the door knock. I stayed still, maybe if I didn't make a sound the Royal party would move on to another ill room.

"I'm sure I have the key here somewhere your highness," I heard a chirpy voice say outside.

Then I heard jangling keys outside. I began to quickly walk back to the wooden chair--I'd pretend to be asleep and stay like that until they left. In my rush to get back I completely missed the black flat shoes I placed on the floor from last night and stumbled.

I grabbed for the metal table next to me to regain my balance and in the meanwhile, I dropped the plastic water cup on the table. The door opened and I covered my face with my hands in failure. "Hello, I hope I'm not intruding," I heard the same male voice from the hallway greet. He was probably waiting for me to make a fool out myself trying to bow to him.

Stubbornly, I turned and faced him. It was Prince Nicholas, son of the people that decided to ignore every poverty-struck city. Son of the people I hate, and because he was their son I hated him too. What was he doing here? The nurses looked at me and put their head down slightly to try to get me to bow as if I didn't understand. I still didn't move.

"I should probably greet myself. I am Prince Nicholas," he smiled as he put his hand forward for me to shake. I stared at his hovering hand and sighed,

"I know."

After seeing that I wouldn't make an effort to meet his hand, he put it down awkwardly. "May I come in?" he asked.

"Of course you can!" the first nurse interrupted just as my mouth formed the word 'no.' She sent me a warning glare and thrust her head toward the clock as if to say, "Don't make me decrease your time span." Deflated, I nodded and he stepped into the room. 

"It's alright. I can handle myself," the Prince said turning around to smile at the three grinning nurses. In unison, their grinning lost luster and they walked out the room, leaving the door wide open.

"Who is she?" he asked, walking over to look at my sister. I crossed my arms and grit my teeth silently to keep myself from saying things that would get me arrested. Finally, after much silence and noticing the Prince staring at me in a look of confusion I forced out,


"What's the matter with her?"

"She's sick." I said in a tone that was accusing him of being stupid.

He chuckled as if I was joking with him, "Obviously. But what illness does she have?"

"She got a really bad fever."

Prince Nicholas looked at Sophie in pity before turning and putting his red jacket on the chair. Then he sat down and began stroking her tiny hand, Sophie twitched. "I'm an only child. It gets lonely up in the palace, I come here sometimes to catch a glimpse of what it'd be like to have a sibling." he told me.

What did he expect me to do? Run up to him and give him a pacifier while assuring him everything would be alright and give him my sympathy? He had to be kidding me! Another point, did he want a sick sibling? Why didn't he sit outside in the park or something. He wasn't the one losing his house tomorrow. I stayed silent. He turned around and began to open his mouth when another nurse poked her head in yet again, "Your majesty, you're being called."

The Prince smiled at me apologetically, "I'll be a moment."

He got up and walked out the room. I rolled my eyes as soon as he was gone. Sophie twitched in her sleep again and finally turned to her side and resumed her rest. In the corner of my eye I saw something poking out the Prince's jacket pocket. He forgot it here.

I cast a quick glance over my shoulder. No one was near the door nor paying attention to me. I edged near the jacket and began to poke the object back in the pocket. Suddenly, my mind was taken over I found myself hungrily feeling the paper in the pockets.

I took a wad out and my eyes bulged wide. Money. Enough to pay the rent for perhaps a year. I couldn't take it but perhaps I'd take just the money to pay off the rent.

I took out the selected amount of money and stuffed the rest back. Then, I reached for my messenger bag and placed the money inside.

"Tell him I'll be back at the palace immediately," Prince Nicholas said standing at the door. My heart raced, how long had he been there? He saw what I did. I'm going to jail.

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