Let me explain

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Alys POV
"Niall wait!!" I yelled as he walked away. I felt Dylan grab me, "what's going on?" "I'm so sorry Dylan but I have to go talk to him. You need to go home." And with that I ran. I chased Niall down the stairs and through our parking lot. I yelled and I know he heard me. I finally caught him. "Niall please" I said. "You know I came here to explain everything to you Aly but you don't even care. You were here with some guy. It's been a week. I thought we actually had something more than that." "Niall please let me explain." I said calmly.

He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned against the wall. "Fine"

"Well for starters I tried to text you and you blocked me. So I figured you were just some famous jerk that was just looking for something to do. And I-"

"You don't even know what you're talking abo-"
"Let me finish." I said. "And I didn't ask Dylan to come, kate did for me because she felt bad for me. And he's just a friend. So don't get upset with me when you have no idea what's really happening" I took a long breath.

"Ok." He said. "My turn?" I nodded and let him tell his side. "My managers found out that fans heard about us and they didn't like it. It wasn't good for the band. So they took my phone and blocked you from everything. I've tried to text you call you DM you on everything. But I couldn't get a hold of you. I had to sneak out tonight just to tell you all this. I liked hanging out with you. And I don't care what the fans think. The ones that are real fans will want me to be happy. And you make me happier than I have been in a long time." He says.

I didn't know what to think. Was he telling the truth?

"Wow. I'm sorry. I believe you."

"So are we good? If we are I'm going to have a talk with my managers and until then I will buy a new phone."
"Yeah we're good" I smiled.


"So what?" I asked curiously

"So would you like a second date? Now."

"It's almost three AM, niall!"

"That means less publicity." He said with a smirk.

I looked down at my stained up tshirt and soffee shorts.

"You look beautiful. Let's go to Taco Bell!"

I smiled at his words and before I knew we were walking to my car.

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