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Nialls POV

I got Alys apartment and ran to her door. I could hear people so I thought that was a good sign. I couldn't stop smiling. I was about to explain to Aly everything that happened so she would know I really felt. I go to knock on the door and right when I do someone begins to open. That's when I see her. I smile to her but her face has shock. The door continues to open. And that's when I saw him.

I don't know who he is or why he's there, but he's with Aly. My smile fades and my heart drops.

I'm hurt and I'm angry. I turn around to leave. She didn't even miss me. She didn't even care

Well neither do I. I don't care.

I don't care

I don't

I feel a tear go down my face and I walk a little faster. I was expecting more than this.

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