"No way"

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The next week I spent freaking out to Shai, I promised her I would get autographs and take pictures with them. I joked with her that I would steal Harry from her and she wouldn't even be able to stop me because she would be in class. Friday came around and I went into work. I woke up an hour earlier than normal to get ready, I wore a skaters skirt and my Skool sucks tank top. I put on my makeup, curled my hair, and tried to mentally prepare myself for meeting one direction. I got to work at 10 and the place was packed, there were girls everywhere! I'm a fan and I might freak a little but these girls were in tears, screaming at the top of their lungs. The boys weren't even supposed to show up until 1. At 12:45 I saw the girls running towards the door, I guess the boys showed up. I told my manager I was taking my lunch break and I got in line to see the guys. I got kinda nervous "what could I do to make them notice me? To make me stand out?" I felt bummed out because I knew the boys do this all the time and to them I'm just another fan. I was close enough to the table that I could see the color of their eyes. They all looked amazing but I'm a Niall girl and today he was looking great. "Hello love" Harry said to me. Harry Styles! "Hi I love y'alls music so much, you're all I listen to". Wow, way to make an impression Aly. "How sweet, we love our girls." Then he winked at me. I know he's flirty but oh my gosh that made my day. Louis and Liam signed my CD and I got to niall. He looked at me then looked down, then looked again, a little longer the second time. "Hi there beautiful, how are you today?" "Im great, this is so cool to meet yall." He laughed as he wrote on the CD, what's taking him so long? "I love coming to America, the accents are so cute, especially yours" "thanks, you're isn't too bad either." We both laughed. "No yours is definitely the winner here" he said. I couldn't believe what was happening, Niall Horan was having an actual conversation with me. "Sorry mate I don't mean to be rude but the line is waiting." Liam said. Niall and I both looked to see that all eyes were on us. My face got hot and he started to blush. "Well..." "Aly, my names Aly." "Well Aly, it was a pleasure meeting you. Make sure to read that note in your CD, yeah?" A note? "You too Niall, and I will." What could Niall possibly have to say to me. I ran through the food court and grabbed some lunch from Taco Bell and headed back to work. I opened up the album and read " Harry x. Liam :). Louis <3 . Niall, Im quite fond of your shirt and I would love to talk more, see you at work at 3 :)." He doesn't know where I work, I just met him. Was this a joke? Niall would actually want to talk to me? I sent shai a picture of the album and a long text telling her everything. No answer. I guess she's still in class. It was 2:57 and Niall was nowhere to be seen. The girls had already left and I heard them talking about the boys all took one car so they were all gone. That really hurt, but like I was supposed to believe he wanted to talk to me. I went to the back to restock when the bell at the front desk rang. I walked out but no one was standing there. "Hello?" A boy in a hoodie walked over to me and pulled me to the back of the store. He pulled the hood down. "Niall? I thought you were kidding! How do you know where I worked?" He chuckled and said "you've got a name tag on and the stores name is on it. "Oh" that's all I could manage to say. He looked so cute, his roots were grown out a little and he wore some sweats and a green hoodie. "So. Listen, I couldn't help but notice you today, there's something about you. I was wondering if you would like to hang out?" He looked almost nervous, as if I could turn him down. "Hmm I don't know.." I began to say. He looked at me with the saddest blue eyes I've ever seen. "I'm kidding of course I would." He smiled and his eyes light up the room. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Put in your number?" I did as I was told and we began to talk. His phone rang "harry" came up on the screen. "Hello? Yes I'll be right there I was busy! Alright 5 minutes." "The boys are ready to go but I will talk to you again soon. Bye Aly." "Bye Niall" we hugged, a friend hug but a hug nevertheless. I couldn't believe what just happened. I was so excited, unfortunately I still had to work 2 more hours, but I was ready to be home bragging to shai. I sat down while some people shopped when I got a message. *Shai* no way!!!!!


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