"Above the sink." I squeal and spin around to see a smiling Kevin.

"What?" I ask, a hand to my heart, hoping to God that I don't have a heart attack. I didn't even hear him walking!

"The cups are above the sink." He says again and I feel my cheeks heat up. The only cupboard I didn't check.

"Right." I open it up and, sure enough, there are the cups. "Would you like a drink?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Sure. Thank you." He accepts the drink out of my hand and takes a sip.

"You look nice." I say and laughs.

"I would hope so." He says and looks at my outfit. "That hat looks familiar."

"Oh yeah..." I say and blush. "Scott has one like it."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hey guy- Well this is unfortunate." Scott says and my eyes widen as I see him wearing the same hat and shirt as me.

"I'm so sorry- I'm gonna go change." I stutter, blushing deeply but Scott shushes me.

"No, I'll go change. You look good in it." He walks back up the stairs but I still feel guilty. And flustered. He just said I looked good!

"I could've gotten changed." I mutter and finish my orange juice.

"So stubborn." Kevin laughs and finishes him drink, setting the cup on the counter. "Thanks Skylar."


Once everyone was dressed and SpongeBob had saved the Krabby Patty formula again, we set off to the photo shoot.

"We have another concert soon!" Kirstie squeals excitedly.

"There's that darn word again." I mutter and Mitch laughs.

Kevin was driving, Scott was in the passenger seat and I was between Mitch and Kirstie; Avi volunteered to go in Esther's car, considering he was her brother after all.

"So, remind me again, what are we doing today?" I ask.

"First we have a photo shoot for the cover of the album, then we have to shoot the video for Can't Sleep Love." Kirstie explains and I nod.

"Can't Sleep Love sounds like an awesome song." I say and they all glance at each other before Mitch starts making a tune.

Scott then calls out from the front,"Uh huh."

They all then continue to sing for about thirty seconds and when they stop, Kevin speaks up. "It would've been better with Avi."

"It was amazing!" I grin and they all thank me.

We continue on our way to the photo shoot, the only noise being Mitch humming the song under his breath.

"We're here!" Kevin calls and I look up from my lap to see where 'here' was. I see a fancy building with a couple cars parked outside.

We all pile out of the car just as Esther pulls up and we all walk towards the building together.

When we get inside, the band is whisked away to get changed into their clothes for the photo shoot and in left sitting with Esther.

"Did you go to school?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"No, I was taught by one of the HeadMistresses though, so I can read, write and do math, but I don't like math much." I explain and she nods.

After a moments pause, she speaks up again. "So you know about Pentatonix, does that mean you know about the YouTube channel as well?"

"Superfruit?" I ask and she nods. "It's only my favourite YouTube channel ever." I exclaim and she laughs.

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