"Just nothing. Although I do have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Don't hurt Ryouji." I was about to ask her why, but she came at me. She started to attack from the left side, moving to the right. It was mostly taijutsu which was weird seeing as Kumiko was somewhat terrible at it. We kept at this for a while until I stab her. She looked at the kunai and she smiled. She looked at me before see fell to the floor.

"Mariko, promise me one thing."

"What?" I asked her, confused as hell.

"Take care of Ryouji and Ita-chan for me please Mari-chan." That was the last thing she ever said to me before she poofed away.

Ryouji's POV

I followed Kumiko further into the forest. She stopped at a clearing and I stopped not to far away from her. She threw kunais everywhere and I deflected them to a different location. Once the kunais hit the ground or trees, Kumiko immediately turned around.

I stared at her and she stared back at me. Our states were intense and a long silence rolled over us. It seemed like forever, but suddenly Kumiko's glare softened. It surprised me as I flinched. What was this girl thinking? Kumiko launched herself at me and before she could hit me, I stabbed her with a shadow kunai that I whipped out. She fell to the floor with a smile.

"Ryouji, I know learning all of this hurts you. You can't lie to me, I've been with you for how long now? Anyways, take care of everyone. And please tell Konan-chan and Pein-nii im sorry. Thanks Ryou-chan." After what she said, she poofed away. I stared at where my shadow kunai was. I picked it up and started to head back to Ita-chan ad Mari-chan. We arrived at the same time, and no one had Kumiko. We looked around and on the floor, we say kunais on the floor spelling out sorry.

Kumiko's POV

I managed to slip by the three of them. Although they were chasing me, when I made the three clones, I made myself invisible and masked my chakra so they couldn't find me. Once they followed a Kumiko, I started to lay down kunais to spell sorry. Once I was done with that, I started to head over to the warehouse to see if the genin were okay.

By the time I got there, they were starting to wake up. Unfortunately for me, my clones stared to disappear one by one and their memories were sent back to me. I remembered the pained look that Itachi had when my clone spun some lies, the confusion in Mari's eyes as my clone requested she protect Ryouji and Itachi, and the sadness that had taken Ryouji's eyes when my clone said what she had said.

I was on the floor, tears rushing down my face as I remembered. I didn't want to remember, but I couldn't stop it. I had hurt some close people, some very close people to me. The girls walked over to me asking if I was fine and I nodded my head. Obviously they didn't believe me, but the boys did.

As the boys were arguing with the girls, I felt four chakras, only two of them did I recognize. I unmasked my chakra so they know I were I was and sure enough, they came through the doors. The genins were scared, but the girls still stood next to me. I wiped the tears away on my face and tried to compose myself.

Kakashi-Sensai looked at me before he looked behind him. I followed his gaze and saw Kankuro. I was so happy to see him that I smiled. Kankuro saw me and rushed over to me. He hugged me and I couldn't help but hug him back. I was extremely happy to see him again. He let go of me and looked at me.

"Are you okay Kumiko?" He asked. I nodded my head and he let out a sigh. He embraced me once again, and started to talk once more. "Kumiko, I was so scared when they told me that you were missing."

I was touched. Kankuro and I aren't even dating and yet he was worried about me. So what does this make us? Friends with benefits? I didn't know, but at least there is someone else besides Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura who also care about me. Kankuro gently picked me up and I got startled. He looked at me and chuckled. Embarrassment washed over me and I covered my face.

"I'm going to bring her back to her place." I heard Kankuro say. Kakashi-Sensei said something and we left the area. Kankuro was still holding me and I felt a bit uncomfortable. I started to fidget and I heard Kankuro chuckle. He stopped and put me down on the ground. I moved my hands from my face and looked at Kankuro.

He was sitting across from me, smiling at the sky. I looked up and saw the sky, how the orange was dominating the blue. I moved closer to Kankuro and placed my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair as I laid there, content with what was going on.

"Kumiko," Kankuro said. "Are you sure you are okay?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in before I spoke.

"Not really. This village will never accept me as one of their own. They will just see me as a S-Rank criminal. I'll forever be branded as an Akatsuki member." I said. It was the truth. No matter how much I will try to be different, I'm going to ended up being known as an Akatsuki member. Even if I want to change that part of my past, I can't.

"Well let me take some of that burden off of your shoulders." Kankuro said. I moved so I could look at him. He smiled at me and chuckled. "I want to help you Kumiko. Either way, if you want my help or not, I'm here for a full month just to stay for Gaara."

"Fine. I guess I can accept your offer." I said, unsure of my decision and myself.

"You aren't use to someone actually helping you huh?" He asked. I nodded my head and he smiled. "Aren't you lucky to have me then?" He laughed at himself and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Kankuro. Thanks for being here for me. That means a lot to me."

"No problem. Besides, I still owe you a second date."

"But it's past lunch already."

"True. But I can still take you out to dinner." I looked at Kankuro. Was he serious about all of this? I buried the thought in my mind and smiled at Kankuro as my stomach growled. Kankuro laughed at the noises my stomach was making and I joined him. He stood up and offered his hand to me. I gladly took it and we walked over to Konoha.

Jeff: Why did you make the the endings for Itachi's, Mari's, and Ryouji's POVs so emotional?
Monica: I don't know... Why am I such a terrible person?
Jeff: Why sad parts?
Monica: I don't know. You say good bye to our readers. I'm heading off to my emo corner.
Jeff: *watches Monica actually go to her emo corner* Ja Ni...

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