15.Through The Rain P.2

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Continued from Labor Pain's P.1....

This chapter will be told in 3rd person to showcase everyone's thoughts.


"OK Natalie were going to have to cut you open, NOW. We don't have any time to waste!"

"What's wrong?", Everyone said simultaneously.

"The umbilical cord has been compressed, we have to perform a C-section."

Everyone instantly panicked. No one even knew what the doctor meant.

"What does that mean!?", Natalie asked with fear heavy in her voice.

"It means that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus, and if we don't act fast, the infant will lose oxygen.

"Oh my god no this can't be happening! I've come to far!"

Everyone tried their best to keep Natalie calm as she prepared for her c-section.

Everyone sat anxiously as the doctor and his team worked on Natalie.

Once she was cut open, the baby was exposed, and was carefully being unraveled from the cord.

Everyone panicked when the infant didn't cry. It was like the baby was life less. It was cut from the umbilical cord.

"Is my baby okay?", she asked .

The doctor stuck a finger down the infants throat to clear the air way.

Nothing happened.

I'm sorry Natalie. It appears that we were to late. The baby isn't breathing or moving.

The room instantly became silent.

Courtney had just given birth to her precious twin babies.

Hayden Alona Davidson and Jayden Alexzander Davidson.

The labor was long and painful, but worth it.

She allowed Daniel to be in the delivery room, and she's glad she did.

She didn't need a DNA test, because she knows Daniel is the father.

The twins look just like him, and have some of his qualities.

All she wanted was to be with Windell, but she realized that all the high school games she was playing, had to stop. She is a mother now, and needs to let their real father be in her life.

"They're so cute", Courtney cooed.

"They are aren't they." Daniel replied." These are definitely my children, you can't even run your way around that."

"I know. That's why I'm not going the test. I knew all along you were their father, I just wanted to get Windell back."

"Do you still want him back?"

"No. I want things to work between us, for the sake of our children, and well, I want to actually see if we could start over."

"I definitely agree. I need time for us to actually be a couple though.

"I understand."

Courtney's family came in to see the babies, and let them know that she was done with her twisted ways.

It was time for her to be a mother.

It had been just 24 hours since Natalie lost her baby.

All she could think was why, why does everything bad happen to her.

She had already had two miscarriages, and once she was finally going to have her first child, something else happens.


Tears bursts from her eyes for the tenth time that day.

Windell tried to comfort her, but he himself wasn't thinking straight.

"Natalie Renee Levy, you do not give up, you fight  through this, you hear me?" Natalie's mom confided.

"It's just so hard mom. Why is God punishing me? I've been through so much I just want to give up, I don't want to live anymore."

"Were gonna get you through this. Were gonna get you some help baby, you won't go through this alone."

Natalie has fallen into a deep depression, and if she doesn't get help, she won't be able to stay on earth much longer.....



I know this chapter is sad but life doesn't always have happy endings.

The Epilogue will be the final chapter to wrap up the book, expect it soon!

The media has the song Through the Rain by Mariah Carey, to uplift anyone in a sad situation.


TwistedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora