10. New Information

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It's only been one day since my shower took place , but I decided I needed to kick some things into gear.

I got some new information on Courtney's baby shower, and it turns out that she ended up pushing it back a week.

Apparently some of the stuff she had ordered didn't arrive on time, so she postponed it at the last minute.

Being the honest person that am, I decided that I finally should tell Daniel the truth about Courtney.

Im not really sure if he is the farther or not, but I'm willing to find out.


I decided to invite Daniel out for coffee to break the news to him.

"Hey Daniel", I greeted him.

"Hey. How you doin Mrs. L?"

"I'm great Daniel, how have you been?"

"I've been good. I want to thank you for inviting me to your Name That Baby party a few weeks back."

"No problem. Listen Daniel, I want you to know that today you are not talking to Mrs. Levy, your taking to Natalie."

Once I said those words, concern was all over Daniels face.

"Is everything okay.... Natalie."

"Well let me just start off by saying this. Does the name Courtney Davidson ring a bell to you?"

"....Um yeah. I believe we met online. How did you-?"

"Well you see. Courtney and I used to be good friends. She mentioned she began seeing a guy named Daniel and you too went out on a date."

"Yes that is correct, but I'm not seeing what this is about?"

"Well you see Daniel, Courtney is pregnant, and I believe you could be the father of her-."

"Woah, woah,woah Natalie. We had a one night stand, there is no way that baby is mines.

"If you don't mind me asking, when exactly was this one night stand?

" About seven months ago I believe..."

"She's seven months pregnant."

He paused for a minute.

"But I'm sure she's been with other men right?"

Of course she has, she's a $2 whore...

"Yes actually, but let me ask you this, don't twins run in your family?

"Oh yeah. I have twin cousins, and a twin sister but I don't see how-"

He begun to put it all together.

"Wait, is she having twins!?"

" Yeah. Fraternal twins at that. But you see, she's hasn't told you, because she's trying to get my husband to believe that those are his kids, but twins don't run in his family, and they had already stopped their affair at that time."

"Natalie you know how much kids mean to me. What should I do?"

"Confront her about it and get a DNA test. Courtney is smart though. She's probably going to figure out a way to rig Windell's test to make it show that he's the father, but you can get a DNA test from another source."

"What about the one Windell is getting done?"

"I've been given information about that. We are getting the test done from another source."

Windell's brother Michael reported to us about the threat Courtney made to him if he didn't mix the results, but what she didn't know is that her "connections" didn't want to risk firing someone for no reason, for someone who they rarely even talk to."

He thought it over for a few minutes.

"Ok. I'll do the DNA test, and if those are my children, I want full custody of them.Where is she at right now?"

"Oh. Let me get that information for you."


Natalie knew all along about Courtney's plan to rig the DNA test results, will she find another option?

Daniel finally knows about his possible unborn twins, how will Courtney react?

Daniel is in the media.


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