(I also notice Harry's distracted them both, grabbing and bringing them into the kitchen, all the while asking how they feel about pancakes with chocolate chips for a snack.)

Louis motions to me that he'll give me a call later and I just nod (honestly, the last fucking thing I want to talk about is Genevieve, because Charlie comes first...always.)

"Baby? Start over. I'm here," I tell her, balancing my phone between my cheek and shoulder as I light up. I inhale and exhale smoke before leaning over the railing. "Okay, okay. You want me to come get you? Don't worry about that, the kids are fine. Yeah, yeah. I'm leaving now," I tell her, already butting my newly lit cigarette. "You know I'll be there as fast as the car will bring me."


Charlie's still a mess by the time I pick her up. She manages to be reduced to sniffles during the car ride, but I still feel so fuckin helpless. She doesn't talk, which is fine...I know how that can go. Sam didn't die, but I guess the doctor came in while she was there; he was fairly blunt about everything from what I understand. It's also more than apparent that Sam hadn't been entirely truthful with what's going on with him for the sake of Charlie. And it's just a little too much for her to handle right now.

We walk into the house, and she goes right up to the shower; something else I don't question. I've noticed over the past couple of years that she likes to either take a bath or a scalding hot shower when she's stressed. At least she doesn't grab a handle of vodka and a joint like me.

So I make my way upstairs to the kids' rooms to check on them. I start with Li, finding her already sound asleep in her crib. And it even looks like she had a bath. I peck her forehead, before heading over to Marley. Harry's in there, his tall, lanky self squeezed onto one side of the racecar bed with Marley curled up on the other-also bathed, it would seem.

"How is she?" Harry croaks, turning his head to face me. He looks absolutely ridiculous, with some I Spy book open on his torso and his legs now stretched over top of the base board.

"Pretty shitty, honestly. I don't know how the fuck she's gonna deal when...you know." It just reminds me of how much of a different situation this is from me and my parents. She's actually close with Sam and didn't have a thousand fucking years worth of issues to work out with him, unlike yours truly. And also unlike me, she can just sweep things under the rug (and by things, I mean her pride...when she's not being stubborn.)

Harry shakes his head. "I can't imagine." He moves to sit up, and goes for his shoes after making sure he didn't wake Marley. "Well, I'm gonna get out of here. Got my big boy job tomorrow."

He stands and stretches as we go to the door. "Thanks for everything, mate. I probably don't thank you enough, but...yeah." I scratch my elbow, realizing just how fucking lost I'd be sometimes without my best mate. I know, sappy even when it doesn't come to Charlie.

"Aww, Zaynie." He grabs me in a hug. "If you really wanna thank me, I'll settle for a quick fuck in-"

"Okay, bye," I chuckle, shoving him through the doorway. "Need a ride back?" He shakes his head, telling me he can get a cab.

We make our way downstairs, finding Charlie already done with her shower. She's got on just my black Air Max tshirt with the sneaker on it- one of my favorites, actually, and a pair of panties I presume. And naturally, the shirt looks way better on her.

Harry bids his farewells, giving Charlie a lingering hug all the while winking at me. And yeah, I glare at him the whole time-fucking people. I follow him to the door and lock it behind him, coming back to find Charlie pulling out a bottle of wine. "What are you doing?"

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