Start from the beginning

"Brooke, right?" the girl wonders, pointing at Brooke. Brooke is by the stairs, when the girl is on the first step. They're close. Brooke's chest is pressed up against her abdomen. Brooke gulps. She remembers that dark mussed hair. She remembers kissing those red plump lips (lips Brooke wishes she had). And then she realises that this girl, before her, had given her the colour of red lipstick to go along with her nude pink one.

"Yes," Brooke nods, blushing. "Clementine, right?"

The girl laughs, "Clementine it is."

"Last night. . ."

"It was -"

"- good?" Brooke finishes, when Clementine doesn't respond for the following few seconds.

"That and lustful," Clementine breathes, taking a step further, to go down to Brooke's level. She's glad in jeans as well, with a bralette of sorts. "But it was nice. I had a good time."

"Yes," Brooke agrees. Her breath, she is sure, falls on Clementine's lips. The next actions are a blur. Clementine goes to kiss her and Brooke accepts. Their kiss is passionate of lustfulness and Brooke finds it welcoming. It is partially out of desire but mainly a emotion of warmth and acceptance floods them. Their lips move frantically against each other's, hands gripping and trailing their fingertips against exposed skins. Brooke's hand tug at her straps. Clementine pushes Brooke against the wall. But, then, Brooke softly breaks away, taking a deep breath. "I-I should go. I mean -"

"Call me sometime," Clementine shyly asks, backing away. Clementine's fingers still rest at Brooke's exposed neck but she doesn't comment on it. Brooke agrees, pulling out her phone which she had found back in the van. She hands it to Clementine for her to dial in her number. Clementine takes the phone, calling herself to save Brooke's number on her phone, as well. Clementine smiles at Brooke. "Once you're done with whatever you're doing, we should hang out sometime."

"Y-Yes, of course," Brooke says, puckering her lips. Clementine leans in, brushing her lips against Brooke's, savouring the sweet moment. Brooke smiles against her lips. Clementine seems shy, but when it comes to expressing her feelings, isn't that nervous. Brooke slips from under Clementine's arm, climbing up the stairs. Stopping mid-way, she looks over her shoulder. "Clem? I'll see you soon." Clementine beams at Brooke, not saying anything. Brooke gives her another grin, before turning away. Biting her lips, fiddling with her fingers, red-painted cheeks, Brooke enters the room. Fiona and Arthur stop their whispered conversation, to take a quick look at who has come into the room. Arthur smiles at Brooke, before engaging in a conversation with Fiona, once more. "Where'd you get that coffee from?" Brooke asks, envious of their drinks.

"It's pretty hot outside, you can have mine," Fiona shrugs, holding out her cup. Brooke, not seeing the harm in having someone's else's mouth-touched food. She takes a long sip of it, instantly regretting doing so. The heat of the coffee swarms her stomach and her body. Brooke puts the coffee cup back down.

"God, you're right. It's too hot." Arthur cracks a lopsided smile. Brooke takes a seat at the front edge of the bed, hands folded on her lap.

"While we're at it," Brooke breathes, "lets start discussing possible solutions for the clue."

"Are you okay?" Fiona questions.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Brooke frowns.

"You were drunk and you came in all giggly, as well as your lips are covered in purple lipstick," Fiona anxiously replies.

Brooke stiffens. Her fingers come to touch her lips. She goes to reply but a groggy voice interrupts, from behind her, "She's been kissing -"

"Beat it, Hallman," Brooke hisses, turning around. Calvin lazily smiles up at her, his hair a mess.

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