HUNTED Chapter 1

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October 21, 2015

Like every weekday, G. Callen strolled into the Spanish style mission for work. It was a Wednesday, half way through the week. He couldn't wait for Friday night. He had a date.

He could hear the banter between the rest of his team ahead of him in the bull pen. He slowed his step, listening intently to them. A smirk hinted on the edge of his lips. He loved coming here. It was like coming home. The people he worked with had become his family.

"Today is the day when hover boards will infiltrate our society," Eric announced to the field agents.

Kensi and Sam chuckled at his comment—-Deeks nodded and smiled.

"I'm waiting for mine to arrive in the post." Deeks looked up from his desk, waiting for Eric to respond. He was jesting with him, but the serious expression that appeared on the Technical Operator's face, made him realise that Eric thought he was for real.

"Eric, I'm joking."

The tension released from Eric's body immediately. "You had me there for a minute."

Callen entered and slipped into his chair. He'd come in through the back entry, past the water fountain.

"G. Where have you been?"

He merely shrugged. "At home."

"No. You weren't there. I came by to pick you up."

Sam Hanna narrowed his eyes. "Were you at Joelle's place last night?"

The mention of Joelle Taylor, had Callen shift uneasily in his chair. He hadn't the heart to tell his partner that he'd broken it off with her a month ago. The line of work they did, really wasn't fair to inflict on the Kindergarten Teacher. She was too innocent to the cruel world they faced everyday. If anyone came after him, he'd put her in danger. No. He decided, he needed to protecter her. Instead, he broke her heart.

The tears had been heart wrenching. It had been nice being in a relationship—-a long term one, with someone who knew the real him. But he faced too many bad guys he'd put away, who'd cast their anger—-threatening to come after him and his family.

Instead of consoling her, he'd walked away. He'd spent many hours afterwards, punching his emotions out on the black sand bag, that hung in the gym—-until he felt numb inside his heart. A lone wolf. That was what he'd been for so long, he accepted his fate. Besides the team, he was on his own.

"No." His reply was short and sharp, resulting in looks from the team.

An agent needs assistant alert rang out on all of their phones. Memories of Dom returned to the forefront of their mind.

They all looked at their cells. Callen's heart fell.

"Nell's in danger," Sam said out loud. Worry for their Intelligence Analyst hung heavily on his shoulders.

The team ran for the stairs, taking two at a time. Eric moved swiftly, to find her location.

Callen narrowed his eyes. None of this made sense. He reined in his emotions. This was personal.

"She's about three blocks from her apartment. It's an abandoned group of apartments, sold recently for a re-build," Eric muttered, his nerves haywire.

"Culver city, beside La Bona Creek Chanel, on Jefferson Boulevard. Address is on your phones."

No one said anything, the field agents ran down the stairs to the cars.

"I don't understand who would take Nell and why?" Sam firmly gripped his hands on the steering wheel and pushed heavily on the pedal. The absence of Hetty and Granger couldn't be at a worse time. Both had been called to D.C. for a meeting with Director Vance and the SecNav—-Sarah Porter.

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