"It's no use. Just stop struggling already. You can't even do any jutsus in this state." Kiba said. I looked at him and the other people surrounding him. It was all the teams except for mine and Lee who was injured. I sighed, seeing as Kiba was correct. He smiled at the pitiful version of myself and turned to talk to his friends, well, only the guys. The girls stayed off to the sides, looking at me with such sorrow I couldn't do anything. I thought about what I could do and then I realized something. I can do one jutsu and that's going to take a lot of chakra and I need to really focus on it.

Kankuro's POV

After listening to Temari and her yelling, I looked back at the hotel door. Kumiko. She ran off right after Tamari looked at her scared. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for lunch. I got up and walked over to the door. Temari looked at me and started yelling at me again. I completely ignored her and was about to leave when Gaara started to talk.

"Where do you think you are going Kankuro?" He asked me. I immediately stopped in my tracks. 'Great.' I thought. I turned towards Gaara and I gave him a goofy smile.

"I'm heading off to go and meet my date for lunch." I said. Gaara only stared at me as Temari laughed at me.

"Who is the unlucky girl that's going on a date with you?" She asked, still laughing at me.

"Haha, very funny. If you must know it was that girl who was here earlier. Her name is Yamamura Kumiko. She was also that girl Mayu who we say at the tower." I said before leaving the hotel room. I started to walk over to her apartment door and I saw three Konoha ninjas there. I noticed that one of them was Kumiko's Sensei, so of course I got interested. I walked over to them and the three looked over at me.

"What are you doing here?" The woman asked.

"You shouldn't be here. You should be practicing if you made it the the final round. If not, you should leave with your teammates back to your village." A man said, smoking a cigarette. I sighed and was about to explain myself when Kumiko's Sensei noticed me.

"You're that boy who encouraged Kumiko during her fight." He said. I nodded my head and he gave me a closed eye smile. "So what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see if Kumiko was home. I'm taking her on a date." I said.

"Well I guess that date is going to have to wait because she isn't here. We don't know where she could be." He said. I looked at him to see if he was lying, but sure enough he wasn't. I was about to leave when something started to flash in my mind.

I saw a bunch of boy genins talking to each other and a group of girls looking at me with such pity. I looked down to see that my arms and legs were tied to the chair I was sitting in. Also, I have boobs? I heard someone say Kumiko's name and I looked up.

"You are going to tell us everything we need to know you Akatsuki spy." Spy? Akatsuki? What was this kid's problem? I'm from Suna. "Why are you here? Are you trying to give information about us to the Akatsuki?" I was going to answer, but someone else answered for me. A female voice.

"I'm not an Akatsuki spy. I'm a Konoha genin. And I'm suppose to be on a date. Release me now and we can all forget about this." Kumiko! What was going on? I saw the kid punch me, but I felt nothing. I heard Kumiko yell in pain and all I could do is nothing.

Suddenly, I saw Kumiko's Sensei looking at me as if I did something wrong. I shook my head and realized that something was happening to Kumiko.

"I think Kumiko has been kidnap." I said. He looked at me weirdly and I explained everything that had just happened. They all looked at me before looking at each other. They nodded their heads and they grabbed me. They took me to who knows where and I was scared. What was to happen to me? What was to happen to Kumiko?

Ryouji's POV

Itachi had put the genin in a genjutsu as Mari and I stood in front of Kumiko. She tried to get away from us, but she couldn't. She was tied up for us so it saved us the trouble of tying her up. She looked scared and frightened as Itachi stood in between me an Mari.

"The almighty Invisible Shadows, Kumiko. Left to ruins and decided that she would leave the Akatsuki. Tch. You can never escape us. It's impossible for you to do that when we know your weaknesses." Mari said. Kumiko stayed quiet and I laughed at her. She looked so pathetic. It was hilarious. I cut her ropes and I looked at her.

"I'm giving you five seconds to start running before we come after you to kill you." I said. Once she was free, she bolted out the building. I counted to two and we chased after her.

'Let the game begin.' I thought.

Jeff: Finally! I thought Ryouji wouldn't get a part anymore.
Monica: Sorry! I forgot about him.
Jeff: Aren't you a friend.
Monica: I know I am.
Both: Ja Ni!

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