"We're here." He stopped us as he looked over the view. I gasped, shocked that I have never seen this. Just at the edge of this part of the woods was a cliff that looked over the rest of the forest. It was a beautiful image to see.

I was pushed gently against a tree that was behind me. Palmer was towering over me, looking down at me. I searched his eyes for any hint of murder. Maybe he found out I was playing him?

Those thoughts subsided when a smirk played across his lips.

"Will you go to the dance with me, Cassandra?"

"Yes." I smiled. Cheesily, he leaned down and kissed me, just like in the movies.

But this wasn't one of those sweet, passionate kisses. It was demanding, a desire, a longing, and I took full advantage of that.

I pressed my body closer to his, at an impossible closed distance. This didn't feel right, but it calmed the feelings me and my wolf felt.

He wrapped my legs around his waist, hoisting me up by my butt. This made us have more room to get even closer.

I was starting to get uncomfortable by how deep he was going into this. Sure, some make out sessions were fine with him here and there, but not these. These were full of lust on his part, but from me having a mate this felt completely wrong.

His fingers started to dig into my butt, gripping my junk down there.

He doesn't deserve this. This isn't his. My wolf told me.

He moaned into my mouth, alarming me to end this.

I pushed my hands against his chest, hoping to pull distance, but he pushed me even closer than before.

"Can't breath." I lied against his lips as he tried to sneak tongue in my mouth.

From that he moved his lips down my neck, letting me think. My legs slid off of his waist, giving me a chance to actually stand.

I felt his canines extend by my collarbone, and I couldn't let him do it. I wasn't his, and I wasn't destined ever to be his.

With all my force I pushed on his chest, making him fly back a couple steps.

His eyes snapped to mine, full with darkness revealing no brown that was once there. His jaw was clenched along with his fists.

"You can't mark me." I breathed, starting to get afraid by his cold glare.

"Why." He growled low. It was his wolf talking.

"Because we aren't mates. I have a mate out there as do you, and this school relationship can't ruin it." I explained, hoping he would understand.

"I want you to be mine, not some prissy girl that is excited for finding a mate. You are what I need." He grabbed my arms, pulling me closer. "I want you to be mine." He whispered, dragging a finger delicately across my cheek and down to my neck. His eyes followed his traces.

"No." I whispered. His eyebrows furrowed as I pushed past him, storming back into the woods. It was darker now than before when we got here.

"Cassandra!" I heard him call out. I didn't look back. I can't look back. If I do then he'll have hope for us, knowing I cared enough to look back. It's common sense, right?

I plopped down on my bed sighing. What had just happened? Why did all these emotions overwhelm me?

I looked at my purse across the floor. I should clean it. Something to distract me at the moment was good, like cleaning.

I lazily slid off my bed and onto the floor, crawling over to my black purse. I sat down next to it and grabbed it in my hands.

I poured all the contents onto the floor, leaving a bunch of trash out.

One item stuck out.

A black box.

I opened it greedily, recalling when I felt the jiggle in my purse. That was how it got here!

I set the top aside and pulled out a photo.

A photo of a knife, glistening in the chemical that was made in them. The chemical that caused more pain than a normal knife to werewolves. I knew what this was. A threat.

I grabbed the note that followed the photo.

Watch out, dearest. I don't play with your love games, I cheat the rules that you give. And it will only get worse if you don't stop them from loving you.


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