The Beginning

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Please write a one shot about the beginning of One Direction. I think there should be some insecureities and lots of drama. Don't make it how it would really be though like.. make it different and obviously fictional. Thanks x 


Niall's POV

We walked off the stage in surprise. a band? It seems so weird.. but Simon just announced it. All 5 of us walked into a dressing room and I sat down on the couch not saying a word. I'm not going to ruin another friendship with my stupid personality. From now on I will barely talk, sit still, and not eat around people. I don't know how long I will keep this act up..but at least until I can trust them to accept the real me. The me who is crazy, talkative, and eats a lot.

"So.. we are a band.." Liam said, stating the obvious. "Well what should our name be?" Harry pondered. I thought for a second. "One Direction." I muttered under my breath. "Did you hear something?" Zayn asked. I groaned and said louder, "One Direction."

Four heads snapped in my direction. "That is a good idea!" Zayn said suddenly, making me flinch. I then realized that none of the other boys even knew my name. Should I at least tell them that? "I am Niall by the way." I whispered, barely audible. Louis frowned and stared into my eyes like he knew what I was thinking. I awkwardly looked at my feet and sniffed.

"Everything okay mate?" Harry asked, sitting beside me. Maybe I wouldn't have to pretend to be someone I am not around these guys for long. I mean, after all they seem pretty nice.. I sighed and just shook my head, still looking down. Liam chuckled, "Looks like we have a shy one! I declare him as One Direction's baby." I lightly chuckled. "Don't worry I am sure you boys will corrupt him soon enough." someone said. I looked up to see Simon standing in the door way. "Now let's go to your guy's new shared flat!"

~ 5 months after getting signed by Simon ~

I am still pretending to be quiet, but I have caved on the eating by people a little bit. My life has been so involved with the boys that when I didn't eat around them I lost WAY to much weight. They began to get worried and they always worry about me more than the others because I am their "baby". Sure, I am sensitive, quiet, shy, and I get scared easily but I can take care of myself. Well, I mean except for last night when I fell asleep in the middle of a hallway. Liam was nice enough to carry me to the car, then bed. (A/N I really like writing about the flu so yeah sorry) I guess I wouldn't have fallen asleep if I wasn't coming down with something, but I wasn't going to tell anyone that. How annoying right?

I walked down the stairs to find Harry and Liam eating breakfast. I coughed a few times before sitting at the table across from them. "Morning." I mumbled. I shivered and noticed I had goosebumps. "Can you turn the heat on?" I asked Liam. He gave me a confused look. "Its 78 degrees in here, Niall."

I sighed. "Really? I'm freezing.." Harry also looked at me confused. "But you are sweating?" he said, more of a question. I shrugged and rested my head in my hands. I heard concerned whispers but ignored them and fell into a light sleep. I felt someone pick me up bridal style but didn't protest as I was carried to the car. That's right, we have an interview..

I was laid down one someone's lap, and I opened my eyes to see my head on Liam's thighs, and the rest of my bottom on the seat. Across from Liam sat Harry, next to Harry was Louis, then Zayn. "How come you don't talk a lot?" Harry asked suddenly. "Like, I have never heard you say more than 10 words at a time.." Louis added. I blinked. Should I tell them? I don't even know if I should respond.. 

"" ugh how do I explain that I have been faking a personality just to be accepted? "I just..I..well..people they..scare me?" I lied, the best I could. Four gasps rang in the limo. "I never knew you were Irish!" Zayn exclaimed. I could feel the heat rush to my face in embarrassment. "But why do people scare you?" asked Liam.

I sighed and sat up, but immediately regretted it. A rush of dizziness washed over me and I swayed a bit. My headache got increasingly worse and I soon found it hard to breathe. Liam grabbed my shoulders and laid be back on his lap. "Niall, mate, just lay down." he cooed. I put my hand on my forehead and groaned.

"People don't scare me, I mean, I just wanted to fit in.." I slurred. Hopefully they understood because I refuse to repeat it. "12 WORDS!" Louis yelled. He did a little victory dance in his seat. I would have laughed but it would hurt my head to much. Louis stopoed dancing however when he processed what I just said. "You want to fit it?" a confused Liam asked. 

I nodded. "Well, I always got bullied for being talkative and had little to no friends for it. I didn't want to loose you guys so, I changed my whole personality. Honestly, I love to talk with people, I am really hyper and crazy, and I, personally, think I have a good sense of humor. And not eating a lot really killed me, I always ate at least 4000 calories a day, and now I eat about 1500 a day." I explained. That was the most I have about a year. 

I looked up to see 4 mouths agape. "That is the most I have ever heard you say." Harry breathed. "And I love your accent." Zayn chuckled. "Wait you didn't trust us to accept the real you? And no wonder you lost so much weight! Niall you have a fast metabolism and at the moment you look anorexic! Your body can't accept that drastic change that fast.. something bad could have happened! Like, your immune system gets weaker, blood thins, the list goes on! People with fast metabolism have to eat over the normal amount of calories a day not affects them more, because it burns really quick. ARE YOU OKAY?" Liam gushed, worried. I groaned but nevertheless smiled. Daddy Direction, being himself.

I opened my mouth to tell him everything was fine but something else came out. "Shit." I said. "What?" Harry asked. "I can't even accomplish being normal. Why do I have to be a failure?" I whined. I know, I probably sound retarded, but gosh. I can't even act like other people. "Niall you aren't a failure!" Louis gasped.

"Whatever." I mumbled. "So what else do we not know about you?" asked Liam, changing the subject. " one knows it but I am very insecure. I hate my body, I hate my voice, I just..hate everything about myself. I don't know.. well anyways I am Irish, my birthday is today, September 13, my natural hair color is brown, I have really bad claustrophobia, I have panic attacks quite a lot, actually I had one yesterday during the meeting but I can hide it well if it isn't that bad. Its mostly bad stuff but I might as well get it out, but be warned this is the most you will ever hear me talk in one conversation. Um.. I have depression and.." I trailed off. Should I tell them about my bulimia? I looked up to see shocked expressions on all of their faces. Well, I already told them the majority of bad things. 

"And what, Niall?" Louis asked. " think I have the flu?" I lied. I mean, I guess I am sick but its probably just a cold. "I--" Liam was cut off by the car stopping. 

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