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Lol so can you do a prompt where Liam and Zayn are human, Louis is a bunny hybrid, Harry is a puppy hybrid, and Niall is a kitten hybrid? I mean I know it should seem like Harry is a cat hybrid since he apparently likes cats a lot, but whateves. K THANKS



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Liam's POV 

I turned the walk down the alleyway when I heard sobbing behind a trashcan. Curious, I walked over. When I looked, there was a blonde boy, about my age, with beanie on. His knees were pulled up to his chest and he was shaking. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked up startled and wiped his nose before answering, "I was dumped here." I was shocked at his Irish accent, mostly because we are in London. I felt bad for him, I mean, he looked like he got beaten up also!

"Well..would you like to stay at my place?" I asked. He nodded and I lifted him up. He was suprisingly light so it was no problem. When we reached my flat, I laid him on the couch. In the car I learned his name was Niall, and people bullied him for being different.

Right when I was about to shut the room to my door, I heard footsteps behind me. "Will you hurt me if I tell you something? I.. I think I can trust you." Niall whispered. I turned around to see him standing at the end of the hallway, gripping the blanket I gave him tightly and biting his lip. 

"Niall you can always trust me." I know I just met him but something just felt..different. Without another word Niall took his beanie off. The sight shocked me. Two cute little brown kitty ears. He also lifted his shirt and a fluffy brown tail popped out. "AWE OMG SO CUTE!" I exclaimed, running over to Niall. I hugged him tightly and heard purrs rumble through his chest. 


Niall's POV

"I have something to show you." Liam said. He grabbed my arm and practically dragged me out of his car and up to someones front door. "So my three friends live here. Zayn, Louis, and Harry." He said, opening the door. When I peeked inside I saw a brunette boy with blue eyes. He had white bunny ears sticking of his head and a little white tail. Harry had perked up puppy ears and a short puppy tail. Zayn though, was human.

"YAY! I AM NOT THE ONLY HYBRID!" I exclaimed. We joined in a group hug and lived happily ever after. 


LOL RETARDED ENDING BUT I WAS TOO LAZY TO WRITE IT.. okay I am sorry I have the flu and my brother's party is still going on and like its freaking 4:19 AM, people, leave. Even though my village curfew is 11 so like I guess they can't leave. And they are older lads so they got drunk, of course. Oh well we Irish people like our beer. I mean I don't know if I like it since I am only 15 lol. BUT YEAH. 

Oh you don't know what a village curfew is? WELLLL..I currently live in a place with a population of around 500 people, so, if you are out driving or something like that past 11, you can get arrested. You can do stuff at yer own house, but you can't go drive to Walmart or something. This only applies to minors though. And btw the way I said it previously made it seem like the minors are drinking, but they aren't, and my mom isn't gunn' let drunk people leave so don't worry. hah yeah my mom is still watching everyone its funny. OKAY WELL YEAH IMMA GO BYE

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