Depressed {Niall}

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Heh well a seemingly awesome person wrote this in the comments:

*Smile evilly as plan forms* Well Niall secretly falls into a deep depression but no one notices cos he always is faking to be fine and continues at his eating disorder (i know how addictive it is lol) But they still don't notice. He starts cutting at the bottom of his foot the boys notice his limp and they ask to check it Niall says no so they get suspicious and check it out while he's asleep ... ect .ect. ( From @biggestniallfan )

I thought that was a really good idea so instead of the normal tumblr request, its the first request I use from wattpad! Woo xD 

*      *      *

Niall slumped onto the bathroom floor as he continued to read the mean twitter comments. He doesn't like the comments, but he can't help himself from reading them. He stood up shakily and looked at his self in the mirror. Ugly. Fat. Worthless. 

Those are only some of the horrid things that come to his mind now when he sees his self. Angrily, Niall threw the IPhone at the mirror causing it to shatter. He ran back into his bedroom and climbed onto the bed, where he cried himself to sleep.

"NIALL TIME TO GET UP!" Louis screamed while knocking on Niall's bedroom door. Niall blinked open his eyes groaning. Getting up every morning was becoming a chore. He got up and didn't bother doing anything with his hair. Only changing his shirt, and not even brushing his teeth, Niall slipped on his shoes and walked downstairs into the kitchen. The smell of bacon and eggs hit his nose and Niall cringed. Food. 

"Want some?" A way to cheery for the morning Liam asked, hold a plate to Niall. "Um, nah I am not feeling well." Niall lied. Liam frowned but shurgged and went back to his business. 

~ 3 days later, night of concert ~

As Niall sat at the edge of his bed he sobbed. The hate just kept getting worse. Remembering what  someone had said, he grabbed a razor. Carefully he pried the metal out and thought for a second. Where could he cut, without it being seen? His foot! 

Niall kicked his shoes off and took his socks off. He brought his foot up to lay on his ankle and braced his self for the pain when he brought the razor down. When Niall finally swiped, it didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would. In fact, it helped his emotions, numbing them for a short period of time. Soon enough he had 11 new slices on his foot.

*Meanwhile in the living room*

"Have you noticed Niall lost a lot of weight?" Liam asked. Harry shurgged. "Well I went to wake him up and all the blankets were on the ground. He had no shirt on and I saw his ribs." Liam explained. "Well hasn't Niall always been naturally skinny?" Zayn questioned. Liam nodded, "I guess you are right.."

Suddenly Niall walked into the living room. He limped quite a bit on his left foot, though no one really noticed. The front door opened and Paul peeked inside. "Time to go to the concert, boys." he said. 

When they arrived they were almost tackled by fans. Niall could barely keep on his feet, with the pain in his foot and the fatigue from not eating. Liam grabbed Niall's shoulders concerned. "You should eat something." he said. Niall just shrugged. He hasn't talked for 3 days. Niall always slept in and Liam was the only one who really worried, but that is because Liam worries about everything.

"Okay I want you guys to run on stage, and Niall, do your signature jump." Mark, their manager, instructed. "Do I have to?" Niall asked, knowing his foot would hurt even more. "Yes. Now go!" Mark yelled, ushering them onto the stage. The 5 ran but Niall lacked behind. He reluctantly hopped and when he landed, winced in pain. Niall fell onto his knees and squeezed his eyes shut. 

"Niall?" Louis asked. "I think something is wrong." Harry said to Louis. "No dip, you idiot." Zayn said, smacking Harry's head. Niall got up slowly and hobbled to the couch where he sat the whole show. 

When they finished off Liam helped Niall to the car, and he helped him all the way until he got to his room. "What is wrong?" Liam asked, before Niall could shut the bedroom door. "" Niall rushed, and slammed the door.

Niall was to depressed to even care about changing. He just crawled into bed and closed his eyes, soon falling into a deep sleep. Liam ran downstairs to where Harry, Louis, and Zayn were watching X Factor. "Something is wrong." Liam breathed.

~ ~ ~

Quietly the four boys tip toed into Niall's room. They noticed how Niall had his shoes on still, and his eyes were red and puffy. Harry slowly slid the blonde boy's shoe off and the sock was drenched in red. Harry gasped and ripped the sock off, revealing 11 cuts that were new and bleeding. Zayn and Louis ran to Harry's side while Liam grabbed tissues, and wrapped them around Niall's foot. 

Niall blinked his eyes open and was suddenly hugged by four boys. "Why Niall?" Liam asked. Niall sighed knowing what was going on. "I don't know, it just.. helped." he explained. "Helped what?" Zayn asked curious.

" and anorexic." Niall said before bursting into tears. This caused everyone else to cry, because they were to blunt to even noticed. "I'm sorry" Louis cried. "Please just.. don't" Liam added. Niall nodded. Even though he probably won't stop, at least he can make them not worry...


Gosh this turned out bad xD Sorry sorry I am so distracted by heat, chocolate, and music! Well.. yeah hopefully it was good enough :D Thanks again for the idea @biggestniallfan :)

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