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Picture is Sebastian Stan as Dr. Chris Beck meme from The Martian (and truth be told, it's what we were all thinking)

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Hey guys!

This is an author's note that was kinda supposed to go with the last chapter but it was, like, three in the morning here so I forgot xD Anyhow...

Who else saw The Martian? You mean Sebastian Stan actually smiled? :O It was amazing. Go watch it. Or better yet, read the book. The Martian by Andy Weir. Mark Watney is exactly the same as he is in the movie. By far, one of the best books I've ever read. If you want to know how great this book is, these are the opening lines of the novel, and I quote:

Chapter 1 - Log Entry: Sol 6

"I'm pretty much fucked.

That's my considered opinion.


Just had to throw that in there.

Furthermore, can I just say that two weeks ago, for those who watch CW's The Flash, that Professor Stein explained the Eisenstein-Rosen Bridge aka a wormhole, or as they call them, "breaches", through two parallel worlds (which I did first btw) was superb. I felt like I was watching Chapter Seven: I Have No Place In This World from Age of Glory! If you don't watch The Flash, and you're one of those weird people who hate DC just because it's not Marvel, I highly recommend you try it. The first season is on Netflix, so you have no excuse!

Now, to end this little update, I shall quote the masterpiece of The Martian once again [and hopefully convince you to pick it up from your local library):

Teddy swiveled his chair and looked out the window to the sky beyond. Night was edging in. "What must it be like?" he pondered. "He's stuck out there. He thinks he's totally alone and that we all gave up on him. What kind of effect does that have on a man's psychology?"

He turned back to Venkat. "I wonder what he's thinking right now."

Log Entry: Sol 61

How come Aquaman can control whales? They're mammals! Makes no sense.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mark Watney: the greatest botanist on Mars.

Have a wonderful day! :D

Love and Light,

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