"How old are they?" Canary asked.
"They can't be any older than 4 right?" The Flash replied.

Then something hit Bruce. He stared at 5 kids and observed them. They were calm and surprisingly well behaved.
"Why don't they want their parents?" He asked.
The Flash spoke. "Dickie just called out for you right?"
"I didn't know him when he was this age." Bruce pointed out.

"Gimme it Connor!" Wally whined.
They looked at the arguing boys.
"He knows him." Canary said. "They must remember being older."

The speedster went over to resolve Wally's and Connor's argument.

"If they had their memories, wouldn't they be acting like teenagers?" She sighed.
"I don't know." Bruce shook his head.

"Uncle Barry it's mine!" His nephew cried.
"You need to share!" He told him, snatching the remote.

Canary pondered. "I hope this isn't permanent."


2:23 pm. 9 hours, 37 minutes.

The heroes had changed out of their suits. They thought being in casual clothes would make it better for the kids.   

The only thing keeping them going crazy was the thought that it would be over soon. The team would eventually be able to go the toilet by themselves and wouldn't need to be constantly watched. How long would that be though? A day? A week? ... 10 years?

They had finally got them to settle down in front of the TV with a warm cup of milk. They watched them from the kitchen.
"How can they be their 4 year old self and know who we are!" Barry was ready to pull his hair out.
"Calm down Barry," Dinah said.
"I'm hungry," a small voice interrupted them.
They all looked down. It was Richard, grasping Bruce's trouser leg.

"Look at Dickie, he's speaking English. He didn't start learning English until he was 6." Bruce smiled.
Dinah got Dick a cookie.

Before she handed him it, she asked him a few questions. "Hey Richard, where's your mommy and daddy?"
Bruce gave her the batglare.
"Hmm," he stared at the cookie. "They're in heaven."
"Who's the Joker?"
"A bad guy." He answered.
Dinah gave him the cookie. "What did you do yesterday?"
He bit into it and replied with his mouthful. "Fight Joker."
He scuttled away happily. Leaving the adults with more questions.

"He remembers. They all do. They just have the maturatity of a 4 year old. They can't take anything seriously." She concluded.
Barry moaned, "That means they can't go potty by themselves?!"
She laughed, "Yes."


4:00 pm. 8 hours.

Oliver Queen walked into the Zeta Tube. He had been at work all day and didn't get Bruce's message until after he'd finished. He didn't know what to expect because of how vague he was.

He was about to enter the living room. His hand hovered over the door handle as he listened to the voices on the other side.

"I need a new one!" M'gann cried. She had just spilt juice all over her shirt.
"Change colour again!" Dick cheered. He had perked up. Maybe he just wasn't a morning person.
"No! Not until I get a new one!" She shouted.
He got involved. "Get her a new shirt! She won't change colour without it!"

After cleaning the chocolate off Wally's face, Dinah picked up M'gann and got her changed.
"It's not a magic trick Bob." Kaldur was sat on the floor, minding his own business. Like always, he was the mature one.
"Shud'up Kal! It's cool! Right Tati?" Robin glanced up at his dad.
Bruce was sat next to his son reading the newspaper, chuckling to himself that the kids couldn't pronounce "R".
"Tati!" He repeated.
"Huh?" Bruce's eyes left his paper. "Ah right, yes. Very cool."
Dick stuck his tongue out at Kaldur. His logic was if an adult agrees, it must be right.

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