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Categories: Fluff/Daddybats


The morning sun peaked behind the little bird's curtains. It demanded Dick Grayson to wake up. He opened his eyes, only to be met with a painful headache. His stomach hurt and he felt as if he was going to barf.

No. He told himself. You are NOT sick.

The bird carefully got out of his wonderful warm bed and got changed into his Robin suit.

He staggered out if his room. His vision was blurred, and had to hold onto the wall for support.

Once he caught his breath, he stood up straight.

He couldn't let the team see that he was ill. Batman was assigning them a mission today. That was more important than feeling a little under the weather.


Batman was speaking. However, Robin didn't hear a word of it. He was staring blankly at the floor.

"Are you okay Robin?" Miss Martian asked.

He snapped out of his trance. "I'm okay Miss M."

"You're ill." she said bluntly.

The team and Batman all turned towards the Boy Wonder.

"I said I'm okay!" he snapped.
"Sit this one out." Batman said in his monotone voice.


"Rob," Kid Flash said. "Go get some rest."

He reluctantly turned towards the door.


He woke up with a start. The last thing he remembered was getting changed into his pyjamas.

Sitting up quickly, he felt a sharp pain that suddenly pierced through his head.

"Drink this." Sat next to him was the one and only Black Canary.

He greedily took the cup of water and gulped it down.

"What are you doing here?" he wiped his mouth.

"You're sick, someone needs to take care of you."

"I can take care of myself." he spat back.

"Robin," she paused. "I know you think you're invincible, but sometimes even heroes need help."
Robin sighed, "Okay."

His stomach lurched. Black Canary could see what was about to happen. She grabbed the bucket next to her and put it on the 14 year old's lap. He puked violently into it. She patted his back and comforted him. Once she was sure he was finished she moved the bucket away and lay him down.

"Try to get some sleep. I'll get hold of Batman." she hushed.

Robin weakly nodded and closed his eyes.


Batman gave a concerned look to his little bird.

"He's just sick Bruce. He's not dying." Black Canary stated.

Batman stayed silent.

"Has he ever been sick before?" she asked.


She was about to ask about it. She looked at the Dark Knight's face and decided against it. He clearly was not up for talking about it.

"I have to get back to the League. Will you be okay?" she asked.
"Go." he grunted.


Dick sat up. His headache had gone.
"Dick," Bruce said, his cowl was off. "How are you feeling?"
He lay back down. "Crappy."

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked him.

Dick shook his head.

Bruce was worried he would start acting up like last time, so hee kept a close eye on him.

"You don't have to keep watching me." Dick croaked.

"I'm worried about you." Bruce sighed.

"You don't need to be. I'll be fine tomorrow."

Bruce looked hurt. "Of course I need to be. You're my ward - no, you're my son. It's my job to look after you."

Dick looked up at his mentor. He had never called him his son before.

"Have I been working you too hard?" he asked.

"No!" Dick told him. "A kid in school was sick the other day! I probably caught it there."

Bruce sighed, "Okay. When you're better, you can have a week off from patrol."

Dick protested, "What? That's ridiculous!"

"No it's not." Bruce said. "It's to catch up on sleep. It's not the end of the world. It's for your own good."

Dick closed his eyes.

Bruce stood up. "The team will be back soon. I'll see you tomorrow."

He turned over, sleep devoured him.


The Boy Wonder slowly sat up. The sun blared through his curtains. He felt much better.

He wandered down the corridor and walked into the living room. 5 faces turned to look at him.

"Robin, are you feeling better?" Connor asked.
"Yeah." he smiled.

"You up for playing some video games?" Wally asked him.
Robin smiled mischievously. "Only if you're up for getting smashed?"
Wally laughed, "Game on!"

Robin was back.

Young Justice: Robin CentricWhere stories live. Discover now