Callie briefly saw them swirl from their normal deep-blue to black and back again.

"We have too much to do before the sun sets for a roll in the sack," he said, feigning nonchalance, hoping that a disparaging attitude would dampen their ardour. He poked about the box for a moment, then, handing her the printout Stephan had given him, asked, "That contains the witch's details. Would you give her a ring and ask what, if anything, we need to bring with us for her to make the amulet? Also the cost? You can be guaranteed it won't be money. It never is."

Callie grabbed a bag from the box, pouring the contents into a fresh glass she got from the cupboard, and retired to the sitting room. With her phone in one hand, a notebook in her other, she made herself comfortable on the sofa, popping her feet onto the coffee table. The sheet of paper Sam had given her stuck to her lips, tugging against their passion swollen tenderness when she pulled it from the temporary clamp between them. Her tongue darted out to moisten them again.

She looked up from typing the number onto the keypad, catching Sam staring at her. "Close your mouth you're attracting flies," she snapped, frustration evident in her tone.

"You seem to have accepted this whole vampire thing very well," he observed, attempting to change the subject. "What gives? Less than two hours ago you find out you've become something you didn't believe existed. Now you're drinking blood from a glass like you've been doing it for centuries."

"You can thank Adie for that, she has this gift for making me calm down and see things from another perspective. The way we see it is, if you hadn't changed me I'd be dead and Adie would be alone. Better to have me as a blood sucker than not have me at all." She shrugged. "No point in being hung up about a little blood bag right? It's not like I actually have to hunt victims and suck on their necks. Kind of like eating a burger I guess, as long you don't see the cow being killed, eating the meat is no big deal."

"Commendable attitude." He nodded at the phone in her hand indicating she should continue.

"Good morning, Mystic Potions and Lotions. How may I help you?" a young female voice answered after three rings.

"Hi, I'm looking for Irene McIlroy, would she be available please?"

"Speaking." The voice sounded suspicious at being asked for by name.

Callie continued. "My name is Callie Williams. I've been told you're the witch to see about an amulet."

"That would depend on the type you're looking for?" Irene replied, again with suspicion.

"Preferably something that will let me walk around in daylight without burning to a crisp?" Callie laughed nervously. "I'll be honest with you, I'm new at this whole supernatural stuff." She started rambling. "I'm almost 21 years old, or was, my twin and I were orphaned at twelve and it was either suffer abuse from a paedophile uncle for five years or be split from my sister and put in foster care. Sometimes I think the fostering might have been... Anyway, I was stabbed on the first day of my new job and turned into a vampire without prior knowledge they even existed. In the past couple of hours, I've discovered that everything I believed about the world has been a lie. Not a great life so far and I know I'm going to forget about the burning thing." She paused to take a breath. "Sorry, don't know why I just spilled my guts." She finally finished.

Irene laughed quietly. "It's a normal thing for me. Most people just want to tell me stuff. It's both a blessing and a curse. Yes, I can do an amulet for you. You'll need to bring the following things with you." She listed a few things, which Callie wrote into the notebook. "Lastly my payment will be a dragon's tooth, if you can find me one of those the amulet will be no bother at all."

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