Chapter 18.

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Zayn was sitting in that stupid seat next to my seat. 

Where I always sit.

In the front. I walk in the class Zayn smiling up at me. I give him an eye roll and sit down. 

"Sass with ass. I like it, keep it up babe." He whispers winking at me. I tried not to say anything. Instead, I paid attention to what Mr. Ken was going on and on about. "Good girl, pay attention in class, education is good for ya baby." He spoke again. I couldnt hold it in anymore. 


"Excuse me, Miss Asiago. But, i can't figure out why you are cursing and shouting in my class? Please go outside-" 

"I am not going outside. Move Zayn. He's the one bothering me." 


"You need to calm it down because I will not allow the kids in my class to shout at me." 

"Im sorry but-" The bell rang. 

"THANK GOD!" I shout getting up being the first one out the door. Someone grabbed my arm. 

"Never, get in my way Asiago. You may be hot and shit but it wont take long for everyone to know that you lost your virginity in the 7th grade." He says. 

"Nigga, get the fuck off me. I didn't loose-" I shove my arm away from him.

"That's the point. I'll spread the word. No one will know if it's ever true or not." 

"Im not scared of you Malik. Go ahead." I say walking away. Next up was Science. Liam was in that class. He was very quiet but also very nice. I actually would wanna get to know him though. Class went by pretty fast. It was already 11:20 A.M. Which meant that it was lunch time which meant that i could see Harry. I couldnt help but smile. 

I get down to the cafeteria. No one else was at our table so i was the first one to sit down. I patently waited for somebody to get down already. Someone covered my eyes. I already knew who it was, his big hands gave it away. He smelled like perfume. Girl perfume. Why? 

"Harry?" I smile. He uncovered my eyes and kissed my cheek. 

"God, I miss you so much babe." He smiles. 

"I missed you so much too!" I smile. Soon Madison came with Derek and then it was Louis. We get lunch I paid for Pepsie, Doritos, and Rice Crispy Treats. Along with a banana. I was trying to eat healthy. 

"Why the banana?" I knew someone would ask. It was Madi. 

"Because i'm trying something new. Okay? I'm trying to eat healthy. Don't judge me." I say. 

"We'll see how long that lasts." She rolls her eyes. Laughing. 

"OOH! SHE'S CALLING YOU FAT!" Louis shouts. 

"Shut up Lou. No one's saying that." Madi rolls her eyes again. I smile. We went back to our table and sat down to eat. Harry put his arm over my shoulders. 

"You guys go out?" Louis spoke. I nod smiling. 

"Yeah, there a problem?" 

"Sit the fuck down Harry. No one is scared of you're little teddy bear ass." I would disagree. I think that Harry is pretty intimidating. With all those tattoos and shit. 

"Shut up Tommo." Harry smiles. Soon we finish eating and decided to go outside. We had a basketball court. And a field of plain grass along with tables to eat outside but other people already called those spots so yeah. 

"Babe, i'm gonna go play basketball, see ya later." He says kissing my cheek. 

"Okay. Don't hurt yourself." I say smiling. He jogs away along with Derek. Louis isn't into sports so much so he stays with us. 

"I'd never think you two would actually go out. How's it going?" Louis says. 

"Shut up. We're fine. Why does everyone keep saying that?" 

"Because no one would think that the good girl would go out with the boy that is basically the bad boy type. Oh and also because he's that boy that every girl wants to be with." 

"What's wrong with that?" I say. 

"Idk it just doesnt work that way. That's not usual. But it works for you guys." Louis says. 


"So do you guys know that Harry and Derek are gonna go get tattoos?" 

"WHEN?" Me and Madi shout surprised obviously. 

"Tomorrow after school. Y'all coming?" 

"Harry didn't tell me." 

"Fuck him, i'll you you." He jokes. 

"Yeah, pick me up at 3." I joke along. We laugh together. 

That stupid bell killed our joy and we headed back to the building. 

"See ya later Madi!" I hug her and just as i was about to leave. Louis shouts for me. 

"KATYY! I WANNA HUG TOO!" I smile and go back to hug him. 

"What the fuck?" Harry comes up to us, and I let go of Louis. "Lou? What the fuck man? You wanna fight bro?" Harry says. 

"Harry, Harry, stop. Listen to me. It was just a friendly hug. I promise it didn't mean anything." I say calming him down. He some-what did. 

"Fine, but i don't wanna see this again. Okay?" 

"Okay okay. Just calm down. Let's go we'll be late." I say pushing him away from Louis. 

"Bye guys!" Louis was always so nice. He waves to us and i smile. 

"Bye Louis!" I shout. Harry and I walk up the stairs. No one was in the hallways and I surprised. My legs hurt from walking so fast. 

"Slow down babe! I can't catch up  with your sexy ass." He says and I blush. I get dragged into a dark place. Then a light bulb flickered on. It was Harry's eyes that I saw first. Which calmed me down. But then i realized that we needed to get to class. 

"Harry, we need to get to class." 

"Really? Because it looked like you really needed to kiss me." He winks. I let him have it this time. He pushes me up against the door and kisses me, hard. I smile into the kiss and push him away. 

"C'mon-" He kisses me again. I gave in now. We were making out for at least 30 seconds. I pull away. 

"Okay Harry. I can't breath anymore. Let's go." I say. 

"No, why can't we just continue making out?" 

"Because we're at school for a reason. You can stay and make out with the mops because i'm out." I say opening the door. 

"BAAABBEEE!" Harry shouts 

I turn back. 

"Shut up!" I whisper/shout. He rolls his eyes and continues to drag his feet forward.

We finally get to class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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