Chapter 12.

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"I'm home!" I shout walking in. Then i get tackled by Madi. I was still laying down on the floor with Madi.

"OMG! I missed you so much! I was super bored. I thought you forgot about me. But, i was soo happy when i saw your picture on my phone screen and for once i hoped it wasn't Derek. So how are you and your little Harry?" She rants then smirks before i blush. We go to the couch sitting down.

"Are you serious? You're like no, you ARE the most popular girl in school! How could you possibly be bored? If anything, i should be the one bored." I speak.

"Okay, whatever. How are you and Harry?" She asks again.

"We're okay. How about you and Derek?"

"We're okay too. How was breakfast?" She asks.

"It was interesting. I learned a lot about him." I told her.

"Aww! You guys are so cute! He better ask you out soon." She speaks i forgot i didn't tell her.

"He asked me out twice. Actually. Once was at the party and once last night." I blush remembering the moment.

"Aww, my baby's already grown up!" She squealed

"Yeah, but we're suppose to go out tonight but my mom isn't gonna let me go out, but harry's still coming over at 8." i inform her.

"Why did you say no the first time?" she asks

"Because i barely knew him, and he barely knew me. Plus, i thought he was a player." I say but she smirks.

"Okay so what happened to that?" She says before i can answer Mrs. Estrada walks in.

"Do i hear my Katy baby?" She says walking in to the living room. I got up and hugged her.

"Aw, i missed you so much!" She gushed

"I missed you too!" I always loved her hugs they were always so loving and warm.

"Do you want anything to eat love? Sorry i look like a troll i just got up. "She says laughing at herself.

"Oh, no! You don't look like a troll. But you're hair is kinda messy. Ha but, please i just got back from having breakfast. I just came to talk. I've missed you guys so much! Wheres Mr. Estrada?" I ask.

"Oh, he woke up to go to work at 6:15 to go to work."

"Even on weekends?" I ask.

"Yes, sweetie." She says looking at Madi.

"Okay mom. I bet you're hungry. You can go make yourself some breakfast now." Madison speaks obviously annoyed her mother was interrupting us.

"Okay, if you guys get hungry later, ill make extra's they'll be in the kitchen on the table."

"Whats changed? You said he was a player? But now you're going on a date tonight. Thats crazy!" She says. I Blush,

"Well, i thought he was. But really he told me hes just looking for love. He';s really funny, he's cute and he's really sweet once you meet him." I spoke.

"Y'all are so cute!" She whines and i laugh. "When's the date?" She asks

"I might not even go."

"Bullshit, we'll just tell your mom that you're staying over at my place but really you'll be out with him." She spoke not a bad idea though.

"You know, thats not bad. Okay, ill text Harry." I say cheery.

Madison goes into the bathroom and instead of texting him, i call him. After the 2nd ring, he answers.

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