Chapter 13

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"He's here! Have fun okay?" She says i jump and walk down the stairs i couldn't stop smiling. I saw him and i started to relax. Although i couldn't hold his hand because i kept shaking.

"You look beautiful." He compliments.

"Thank You." I beam.

I feel like tonight is a night i wont forget. 

Let's just make it a night to remember. I get in the car really anxious. What if he knows something is wrong? God why am i such a fuck up? My first real, actual relationship and i already cheated. 

I suck. 

I slide into the passenger seat and buckle the seatbelt. 

"What do I not get a kiss?" I hear the smile in his voice.

Harry's POV 

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." She giggles. She leans in I thought I would get a kiss on the lips, but instead she kisses my cheek. It was emotionless and her lips.. they were cold. 

"What's wrong babe?" I ask her. She looks down and plays with her fingers. I know something is wrong. It has to be. 

"Oh, nothing." She looks up and shakes her head. I know she's lying. But i let slide. She'll have to tell me later. We're on a date right now. So I shut up and be polite by changing the topic.

"Okay. Wanna know where we are going?" I ask. 

"Where?" She looks at me. I can tell from the corner of my eyes. 

"Some fancy restaurant.  I forget what it's called." She smiles. 

"You didnt have to do that. I would've been totally fine if you took me to Taco Bell or some shit." She laughs. Oh god. That laugh. Its so sweet. God Harry! Whats going on? This isnt you. This girl is taking over you. Get it together. 

"I was about to! But Gemma made the reservation for us right away. Soo.." I say. She laughs again. Oh god, please stop.

We get there in 15 minutes. The place was truly beautiful. 

Katy's POV 

The place looked like it'd be ridiculously expensive. I know that i don't have that much money to spend on for a date. But, was i really making it that obvious? I was walking behind Harry as he walks up to a man in a navy blue tux. 

"Name?" He says in a british accent. Did i mention he has a funny looking mustache? It literally took everything in me not to laugh. We soon got to our seats and ordered our food right away. To be honest i was hungry. 

*while eating food* 

"The food is amazing! And this place is gorgeous!" I say smiling. "Thank you." 

"This is nothing. Calm down babe. But, Taco Bell is definitely so much better!" He smirks making me laugh. 

"Yes! Ahahaha!" 

After a while a waiter came to take our plates. (we were finished btw) he came back with 2 alcohol bottles.  He poured 2 glasses. He handed Harry one and then me. But, i shake my head. 

"I dont drink." I say. Harry already finished his glass. The waiter was filling his second glass and he says 

"Are you crazy?" 

"Uhm, no. I just don't drink." I clarify. 

"Its okay. Dont worry. I don't either. My name is Jake by the way." He smiles. He had a lighter accent than Harry's. Harry's is very deep and strong. But Jake's is soft? and light? I dont know. Does that make sense? 

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