Chapter 8

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Megan's POV

I woke up this morning, and rolled over, straddling a sleeping Toby. I started to sway my hips a little, teasing him and hearing him groan. He grabbed my hips and forced me to stop.

"Babe, please.." 

"Oh I'm sorry what am I doing?" I asked inoccently, this time moving back and forth, making him groan louder in pleasure and grip harder.

"If you ever wanna leave this house and not be sore I advise you to s-stop..." He stuttered on that last part due to me rubbing harder. 

"Fine I'm done." I laughed, and climbed out of bed to get dressed.

I put on some shorts, and a pink top. I placed my hair into a high ponytail, and did a bit of make up. 

 "You have a race today."  I told him as he was cooking me breakfast.

"I know, are you coming?" 

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Seth signed up, and I'm going to kill him." He said like it was the most casual thing in the world. 

"I'll go to make sure you don't do that." I said kissing him lightly.

"Is Matt racing today?" 

"No, he is resting, he was at a party last night and got a bit crazy." 

"Haha, can't he handle it?" He asked smirking.

"Apparently not, come on lets go." 


We got down their, and I kissed him good luck, and took a spot in the bleachers, away from Toby's sponsor.The race started and I decided to go grab a drink for Toby when he was done. 

"Hey, how come you aren't over here?" I heard Toby's sponsor ask.

"Um.." I said trying to think of an excuse, "I'm not sure." 

"Oh well once you get your drink you should sit over here." he said patting the seat next to him.

I got to the front of the line and grabbed Toby a yellow Gatorade, and decided to sneak around his sponsor. Toby had gotten 2nd place, and Seth got last place.

"Great job." I said handing Toby the drink.

"Thanks." he said, kissing me, and taking a sip.

"So this is your boyfriend, and to think I thought you just didn't wanna kiss me.." I heard Seth say from behind me.

"Good race man." Toby smirked at him.

"Oh shut up." He sneered, "I think we all know I'm better than you." 

"Then why didn't you win?" 

Just then Seth swung at Toby, hitting him in the eye, causing a fight to break out. One of Toby's friends had to pull me away.


Toby got suspended again for two days, and he is leaving the track with a black eye and bloody nose.

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