The Bad Boy

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Megan's POV 

"Do I really have to go?" I asked my mom, who was currently throwing my clothes into my suit case.

"Yes, you need to take your mind off school, responsibility's, and have fun!" she said with excitement, "Don't you wanna know what that feels like sweetie?" 

Sometimes I feel as if my mom is the teenager in this life...

"Yeah, I guess." I said, finally giving in.

"Yay, OK you will meet your driver at the airport and he with take you to the apartment that you will share with your cousin and his friend."

"Boys mom, really?" 

"They can protect you." she said with a smile, and a small wink.

"From what?" I retorted,  "Its Oklahoma." 

"Oh shh." she said taking my bag to car, gave me a quick hug, and said goodbye.

    I'm Megan, I live with my mom, and no dad. It's not bad though, I've never even met him so its not like I miss him. I know how to act around guys, Its not that I don't like them, I just don't think any of them like me. I mean I've had boyfriends and everything but most of them cheated on me, so I normally shut people out, but this summer is going to be different though.

   I have long naturally wavy hair that is a dirty blond shade. I would definitely say I'm a mix between a tom boy and total girly girl. I guess you could say I'm not the typical girl, you know the one that cares a whole lot about what other people think, and how they always have to look good, I mean I could careless what people think of me. At least I know people in Oklahoma, since we used to live there..

  I got my bags and went to find my driver. When I found him he took me to the most beautiful 3 roomed apartment I've ever seen...

"Wow." I said, stepping out of the car as he got my bag.

"Do you like it?" Someone from behind asked me.

I turned and see my cousin, Matt.

"Hey." he said, hugging me.

"Hey, love it by the way." I said smiling brightly at him. 

"Well let me show you your room." he said, leading the way.

I followed him to the middle room and noticed I was the only one with my own bathroom? He is really doing this for me?

"Your giving this one to me?" I asked,  " are you sure?" 

"Yes, I'm sure. You are rooming with two guys, you need privacy." he said smiling, and nodding. 

"Yep staying for the whole summer, by the end of summer I'll be 18, and I can do what I want." I said strutting into the room.

"You have fun unpacking." he smirked "I'll be back in a later, there are some things I need to take care of."


I turned and started putting things away. I need music, I thought to myself. I plugged my phone and started blasting the music. Soon I found myself dancing along.

The radio sang 

"It's a liberty walk, It's a liberty walk, Its a liberty, Liberty, Liberty." 

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