When You're Kidnapped

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Sam - He would go on a heated rampage and kill anything in site just to make a cleared path to get you. You thought he was scary when he was an ex-blood junky, well wait until he saves you and you see his face.

Dean - He'll go all James Bond on your kidnappers, kicking their ass to save your life even if that meant that he will get killed in the process. 

Castiel - Of course he'll use his angel mojo on your kidnappers, he'll ask you millions of times if you are okay and if they hurt you at all. 

Crowley - He would threaten to kill whoever kidnapped you, even if it was his own demons. 

Lucifer - He will come down, and wipe out the whole entire human race (except for you, of course) until he finds you. 

Gabriel - He will make jokes while rescuing you, of course. But nonetheless, he will go all the way to rescue your butt. 

Balthazar - You can only imagine what he will be going through to get to you. 

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