"Here you go," Camila was behind Lauren in an instant, helping her put on her coat. Afterwards she handed her a scarf, gloves and her signature beanie.

"Thanks," she smiled genuinely as she handed her purse to her as well. "Such a gentlewoman."

Camila winked as she buttoned up her own coat and adjusted her own beanie. "Are we all ready to go?"

"My zipper's stuck," Anahí looked to Camila for help.

"Let me see," Camila bent down in front of her daughter and quickly fixed her little jam. "Now we're good?"

"Yup," Anahí smiled.

"Your car or mine?" Camila asked as she opened the door to the garage, both girls quickly running out.

Lauren shrugged as she walked down the few steps leading to the garage. "Doesn't matter to me baby," she said, she didn't exactly know which car was hers. She took a quick look at the four cars, not bad, she thought; her shiny silver Porsche convertible that she got right after their third album, a sleek red Lamborghini, Camila's little toy, and two SUVS, one black Range Rover and the other a tan Lexus GX, both for their growing family.

"Let's take yours, so then we'll have more length for the tree," Camila suggested. "Girls, get in Mommy's car," Camila said as she produced the keys from Lauren's purse and quickly unlocked the doors. Anahí and Emmi rushed over to the Range Rover, both piling in. "Get in babe," Camila looked to Lauren. "I'll get Emmi buckled in and I'll drive."

"K," Lauren flashed Camila a quick smile before making her way over to the front passenger door.

"Here we go babe," Camila lifted Emmi into her car seat as Anahí climbed into her booster seat and buckled herself in. "Ok you do the first one," Camila smiled down at Emmi who liked to do the first buckle while Camila did the bottom. "Good job ladybug! Let's get this show on the road," Camila said as she closed the door and then hopped into the driver's seat.

"Its freezing," Lauren commented as Camila started the car and she immediately reached to turn on the heat and her own seat warmer.

"Yeah, it is," Camila nodded as the car continued to warm up. "Oh guess what girls; I heard it was going to snow."

"Really?" Anahí asked excitedly her eyes lighting up, she loved snow, but what kid didn't.

"Saw it on the news last night," Camila smiled.

"Yay!" Anahí exclaimed. "Emmi we can make a snowman!"

"Otay Awna," Emmi smiled at her big sister, whatever Anahí did, she did too.

"We'll see if we have time," Lauren turned around to look at the girls. "And there might not even be enough snow."

"Party pooper," Camila laughed as she pulled out of the garage.


"Look at all of the trees," Anahí gushed as she quickly climbed out of her booster seat, ready to pounce through the door. "Let's go!"

"Slow down Anahí," Lauren chuckled as she unbuckled her own seatbelt. "The trees will all still be there, relax a bit."

"But Mommy," Anahí whined and crossed her arms across her chest as she looked out the window.

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