Chapter 6

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The trolls were either sharpening their weapons or training hard, some even hunting and gathering, knowing this will take a while. Some even left to other countries in hopes of finding freedom. Blackthorn was rumored to not be as bad, and Marigold was also pretty good. Aetheos was the worst of all. That kingdom was as quiet as a ghost town. Guards only seemed like pillars as they looked out for anyone on the streets. They would only move if they saw anyone on the streets, killing them in an instant. Those was his rules, the demon's rules that everyone was too scared to go against. Then there was a town full of gems! Almost like the trolls were actual gem people, but it was a fight for survival, or you'd just be thrown in jail for not following the diamond's orders. The place was destroyed long ago, only in ruins now.

A man looked through a couple of bushes, seeing highers near. He was in a black hood, two long horns pointed upwards. His eyes watched, remembering the orders from all kingdoms, stating that the rainbows were to be eliminated. Surely even the rare mutants that had the neon rainbow blood. He would surely write this to his descendant later. He had heard about the war, and had gotten peace into Blackthorn for now, so he had come here to help. His eyes widen, seeing a group of lowers burning the highers with such rage. He moved back quickly, the embers catching the bush aflame and turning it to ash. He ran away to his cave, panting and looking in his journal. He had asked two of the trolls he met to write in his journal. He never told them his name. He knew the Innocent from helping the Blizzard train his pupils. She hated him for a while, it seemed, but after the Blizzard 'talked' with her, they quickly became friends. Even then, he didn't tell anyone his name.

"Sinfulness is everywhere. Even after this war.... many will be dead, many will still kill, many will still go by the hemospectrum. I want to help to the best I can, my young descendant," he says, finishing his writing. He sighs and hears footsteps near. He closes his journal and stays silent. It was the Star himself. He must have followed him to this country like many of his followers. But Star stayed the closest to him for some odd reason. Star should have been in the kingdom, being the indigo blood he is and taking the throne, unlike Ekliat. Poor Ekliat. He joined the pirate life, probably has a matesprit, tons of gold, maybe even the captain of a ship.

"Hi, Universe," the star tarot said softly. He looked up at him and smiled. The only one that made him blush, the only indigo blood that refused to kill anyone, the only one he'd be flushed for. He only told the other to call him Universe. If only he liked him back like he did.

"Hello, my child. Did you follow me all the way here?" he asked quietly, trying to not catch the attention of anyone. The star tarot nodded his head, sitting next to him and drawing out a deck of cards. Ah, the young troll loved gambling; he was practically the master at it. He never cheated, but his opponents usually attempted to. The indigo acted like he liked the rainbow mutant back, but he didn't. He loved one of the Lovers. He wouldn't judge. He was happy he was with someone. All 22 tarots loved someone.

The Star and the Lover, the Sun and the Moon, Devil and Temperance, so on and so forth. They have all experienced this love many times with each other. This was the dashing gentleman he had foolishly fell in love with. He did press a soft kiss to the other's lips once, but he didn't respond the same the way during the kiss. It just upsets him even more that he would never be his.

Universe had already failed to help Blizzard with many relationships in the past, and now the mutant had swore to never pail again with the Caretakr. They probably still do it, but he hasn't heard from his beloved friend in a while. He must have taken on the Grand Highblood already and failed. Or maybe he's out there, still trying to help everyone around him.

The mutant stood up, helping up his crush. Universe needed to leave right now. The end of the chapters would come to a close, meaning their story will end with a bang.

"Let's go, my child. We must find that Grand Highblood," Universe said, a bit rushed to be honest.

"And then what will happen? We mustn't kill him, correct? And why are you in such a rush?" Star asked, putting his deck of cards back in his pocket.

The rainbow swallowed hard. He knew he wouldn't make it out alive. Universe would never see Star's precious, innocent face ever again. It almost seemed like they walked in circles, trying to actually avoid finishing the mission.

He couldn't avoid his fate forever. Either the Grand Highblood would find him and kill him or Universe would kill him. He didn't want to sin, but he would have to eventually. He already did cut someone's wrists to use their blood as ink. Only because they allowed him to.

An army roared and moved past both Star and Universe. The Fearless followed behind, leading both the Innocent and Redglare. There would be groans and moans, maybe even screams. It reminded the mighty Fearless of that ship.

"Hahaha!! Hehehe!!" The two laughed as they watched the Fearless scream and pull at her restraints. Spiders crawled on her, arms, legs, face, chest. It was a torturous nightmare that she could not wake up from. It was the same each day, given a small break, then back to spiders crawling all over her and leaving a trail of bites along the way.

This would repeat over and over until finally, a small Pyrope caused the duke to flee away. She had given her a hood to hide her face forever. Terezi refused to leave with her, a brave soldier to stay.

"Hey Fearless? Are you okay?" The Innocent asked making the Fearless shake out of her thoughts.

"Oh, of course, I'm fine. Just thinking," she sighed, rubbing her temples. Even if Redglare refused to be her moirail, the Innocent seemed to care a lot about her. Though, the Fearless didn't want to accept her as her moirail.

The Innocent stopped. Uh-oh. Looks like she seemed upset. The Fearless turned around, moving closer to her.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be your--" The Fearless paused when she saw her pick up a rock and a stick from the ground, a squeal coming from the jade blood's throat.

"It's Sam-kun and Rolando-kun!"

"What?" The Fearless stares down at her, confusion plastered her face if anyone could even see it.

"I forgot about these two! They were my friends when I was nine sweeps!" the Innocent squealed with excitement.

"Oh, this is going to be a long night," the Fearless groaned.

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