Chapter 19 - Dinner with Riker's Girlfriend Part 1

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Laura's P.O.V

It's been 5 days. 5 days of trying to get back my memory 5 days of failing. Sunshine lit the blue room. Discovering Ross shares a room with me is crazy. I don't mind. It's just like he's with me 24/7. It's sweet, because he cares and all, but I don't know. It's complicated.

In a couple hours the family is meeting Riker's new girlfriend for the first time. Rydel said it's a big deal, because of what happened to his last girlfriend. Nobody will tell me who she was and what happened to her. It's like a big secret. Secrets suck, especially if they're being kept from you.

"Knock knock!" Rydel barges in as if she was some sort of cave woman.

"What's the point of saying knock knock if you're just going to barge in here like that." Where's the logic!?

"I don't know, I'm weird. Deal with it." She scowls playfully.

Fine I'll deal with it. Rydel turns out to be a really cool person. Underneath all those layers of sarcasm, pain, and sorrow.

She did tell me we had a fight so big that I moved out of her room. I told her I didn't care and it's all in the past now.

"Can I curl your hair?" Rydel wonders.

I pondered. It couldn't hurt. CAN IT? Who knows? It's worth a shot.

"Sure, I guess. I'm not really fond of anybody doing anything to my hair. It's not like I know what modern day Laura thinks anyways so screw it." Modern Laura and past Laura are the same Laura or are they different? I don't know.

I'm sick of not knowing. Rydel pops rollers into my hair. She throws a bunch of clothing at me.

"Put them on." She demands. I don't even look at what she gives me and I just throw them over me. I feel like a dress up doll.

"They're on backwards." Laughter filled the once quiet room.

Author's Note

Girl bonding time with Rydel! She still hasn't remembered :(
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