Chapter 7 - School guy

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Laura's P.O.V

     It's 7 pm and my new best friend Jake (guy at school) are going to watch Netflix! Time to get this party started. Maybe I should order pizza....

     "Jake what do you want to watch?" I secretly want to watch The Avengers, but I'm just being polite.

     "SPONGEBOB!" He yells. I chuckle at his inner child.

     "Spongebob isn't on Netflix silly." I wish is was though.

     "WHAT?!" Jake screamed mortified. "NO BLEEPIN WAY!"

      This guy is a joke. How can he love Spongebob, but not know it wasn't on Netflix. Shh! Arrow go take a nap of or something.

     "Want to watch it on YouTube?" I hope I can find a newer episode.

     "Do I even have to answer that?" Jake sassily teased. "Wait. Laura I have to tell you something."

      "What is it?" I nervously say. Oh please,don't let my fly be down.

      "I'm....." He took a deep breath. "Gay."

      "Are you happy?" All I want is for my best friend to be happy.

      "Yes." He breathed almost wordlessly.

      "That's all that matters." I accept he's gay and I'm happy he's accepted it. "How about we skip Spongebob and get to know each other?"

      "Skip Spongebob? Uh- Sure" He was hesitant.

      "Tell me about yourself." NO LAURA! That sounded way to pressuring. Uh what do I do, never mind his mouth is opening which means he's going to speak now. Damn.

       "Okay so, my name is Jake, and I have 1 sister her name is Cassidy and she's amazing. My favorite color is Yellow, I love food, and the best of all my best friend is you!" He cheered. So full of life, I wish I was like that.

      SO cool he loves Yellow, food and has a sister named........ Cassidy!??! Can it be the Cassidy that Ross is ever so in love with? No. There are millions of Cassidy's in the world she must not be related to Jake in any way at all. Psh, Laura when did you become so paranoid. Ha what was I thinking.

      "Ok well, as you know I'm Laura! My favorite color is red and I like-" I was interrupted by Ellington and Rydel.

      "Jake?!?!" Rydellington questioned. "Is Cassie back yet?" Woah! It must be the same Cassidy that Ross is in love with. Rydel has a nickname for Cassidy? They must be close.

       Wait! I'm best friends with my enemy's brother? What have I gotten myself into?

      "Cassidy actually arrived yesterday and is going to pick me up in a couple minutes. You should all say hello and don't worry Laura I'll introduce you!" Jake exclaimed with joy.

      With all this drama I'm gonna need me some pizza. OH look there's the doorbell. Yippee not the sarcasm.

     We all run to the door only to see Ross and Cassidy 'catching up'. Yep you heard me, they were having a full on make-out session in the hallway. Fuck you Ross freaking Lynch!

     I can totally see why he likes her so much her . She had long dirty blonde hair, sunflower eyes, and flawless skin. She probably has an amazing personality too. Everything about her makes it hard to hate her.



Author's note

    Hope you enjoy! Make sure you share, vote, and comment it helps a bunch. Love you all!

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