Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

Sassy’s eyes widen again but she doesn’t say anything as I cut her off frantically. Thinking only of Harmony.

If she were to find out that she was carrying a baby she’d be over the moon. But if she were to find out she was carrying a baby and it died without her even knowing it was there, she would be devastated.

“You can’t let anyone tell Harmony” I gasp, “No, Sassy don’t let them. That would kill her”

I sit up with a jolt and try to rip the blankets from my body. My shoulder and my lower stomach sting with pain. I ignore it and clench my teeth, wanting to see Harmony. I have to make sure that the doctors don’t tell her, and I have to make sure she’s still alive. I have to see with my own eyes. Not Sassy’s. I can’t believe what a doctor says unless I have proof. I can’t believe what Sassy says unless I have proof. Harmony is too important to me.

Sassy springs from the floor and pushes me back down onto the bed,”Where do you think you’re going?”

I raise my eyebrows at her and breathe through my nose from the pain in my chest, “To see Harmony”

Sassy shakes her head, “I don’t think so, for one, Harmony’s still in surgery and for two, you’re not going anywhere until a nurse can give you the all clear”

I raise my hand above my head to where the nurse call button is and bring my hand down onto it. A buzz sounds in my ear and Sassy’s eyes widen.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting the all clear” I say giving her a droll stare, “I want to see my girl”

Sassy sighs, “She’s in surgery though”

I shrug, “Still don’t give a damn, I want to see her and that’s that”

Just then, a short nurse who looks to be in her mid thirties with greying blonde hair and warm brown eyes rushes into the room, smiling at me.  Clad in a dried out blue nurses outfit with her hair pulled back from her face she reaches for the blankets.

“What’s the matter?” She asked, “Anything hurting? Would you like some medication?”

I shake my head and start to stand. The nurse lunges forward and places a slender firm hand on my chest to keep me from moving.

“Where do you think your going young man?” She demands.

I stare at her, “I’d like to see Harmony Kingston”

A soft smile spreads across her gentle face and she nods, “Sure thing hun, she has just gotten out of surgery. But I’ll have to check your wound before I let you go and you must travel by wheel chair if I say, understand?”

“I understand yes” I mutter, hating the thought of having to ride around in a wheel chair.

Living With A Police Officer *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now