
Hunter's POV

I still can't believe what happened with Renee. What am I going to tell Liddy? She'll never understand. Heck, I don't even understand. I rub the back of my neck in an attempt to relieve the tension that's been building for hours. How, did things get so out of control?

When I look at the clock on my dash, I'm surprised at how late it is. I've been driving around for a while. Just trying to think of the best way to tell her what's going on. I can't hide it from her any longer. The fact that I'm hours late and haven't returned any of her calls or texts has pretty much alerted her that something is up.

I've tried to call her back, several times over the last hour, but I've chickened out each time. She deserves to hear the truth from me face to face, not over the phone. I just pray that she can find it in her heart to forgive me and grants me a second chance.

As I approach my house, I note that all the lights are off except for the outside ones. That's not a good sign. What did you expect, Hunter. You've left her waiting and wondering for hours." Not that I wasn't already feeling sick, but this makes me feel even worse.

When I pull into the garage, I park my black Range Rover next to the white one I bought Liddy, last September. I still remember the day I took her shopping for it. She was adamant that I not buy her a car that was expensive. Her only request was that it be an SUV because it would be easier to get Harper's car seat in and out of. When I drove straight to the Range Rover dealership she was speechless. It was the cutest thing. I knew even then, deep down I was starting to fall for her.

I hang my head and say a silent prayer. LORD, PLEASE HELP HER TO UNDERSTAND. Then I take a deep breath trying to find the courage, I need to walk into the house. After 5 minutes, of just staring into space and re living all the events of the last few days, I'm aware that no matter what I say. I'm going to hurt Liddy deeply and it breaks my heart.

I'm greeted by Cole, when I walk into the kitchen. "Hey, there buddy." I say as I scratch behind his ear. I flick on the lights and instantly my eyes are drawn to the plate of food sitting on the island. Damn, she made dinner. I don't even bother to look at it. I know it's stone cold. She was expecting me home hours ago.

As I approach the Living Room, I notice a small figure sitting in a chair. It's hard to see clearly, but I know it's Liddy even without the lights. I can smell her perfume. I pause trying to brace myself for the aftermath that's about to ensue.

"So you finally decided to come home?" She asks as she switches on the lamp next to her.

I'm surprised not only by the light that's suddenly glaring in my eyes, but also by the intense bitterness in her voice. "Ah yay." This is going to be far harder than I thought.

"Did you forget that we had plans to talk over dinner, tonight?"

I can tell she's been crying. It makes me feel even worse, if that's possible. "No, I didn't. I, uhm, ah. I just, ah I just."

"You just what? You just got so wrapped up with Renee that you totally lost track of time!" She yells. "And then what? Did you loose your phone so you couldn't answer one of my messages!"

"It wasn't like that."

"Oh it wasn't? Then tell my EXACTLY what it was cause I'd really like to know what you've been doing for the past four, no wait five hours?"

I look at the floor. "I dropped Harper off and ended up 'talking' with Renee for a lot longer than I expected. When I left I had some things I needed to sort out so I drove around for a couple of hours." I exhale, that's not too far from the truth.

"Hunter, I'm not stupid. I've had a LONG time to sit here and think about how strange you've been acting for the past week. I've noticed the phone calls and texts you have been getting from Renee. I wanted to believe so badly that it was nothing, but I can't do that any more. Not after tonight." She pauses fighting to maintain her composure. "I know something is going on, because the Hunter that I know, NEVER would have left me wondering if he was in a horrible car accident unconscious in a hospital somewhere. He would have contacted me because he loved me and wouldn't have wanted me to worry. The fact that you didn't even take the time to send me one simple text screams louder than any words you could say. Obviously, your feelings have changed towards me."

"No Liddy, that's not it at all." I say as I run over to where she's sitting. I kneel so I can look her in the eyes, but she turns away. I reach for her hand and she bats it away.

"Don't touch me. You reek of her perfume." I can see she's in pain. It's written all over her face. She's trying so desperately to be strong.

"It's not what you think, honestly."

She forces a laugh. "Do you really think I'm going to believe anything you have to say to me? If you do then you're crazy."

"Please, listen to me?" I beg.

"Save it. If you really wanted to talk to me you would have come home hours ago." She hisses as she stands up and starts to walk away. "I'm not a fool. I know lot more happened at Renee's than just talking."

I hang my head. I can't even force myself to look at her. I feel so guilty. "Stop, don't walk away. I can explain." I whisper.

"There's nothing to explain, Hunter...." I hear her voice crack as she tries to hold back her tears. "It's pretty evident from the smell of your clothes, your disheveled appearance and the look of guilt on your face what you and your ex wife were doing. Clearly you two were working on YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS!"

She begins to sob. All I want to do is hold her, but I know she'll only push me away. "Liddy, that's NOT what happened."

"Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lying to you."

"Yes, you are!!" She screams.

"No I'm not. I promise you, I did NOT sleep with Renee."

"Then why do you look so damn guilty? Something happened between you two."

As much as I don't want to admit what really happened, she deserves to know the truth. "Will you please come and sit down and I'll tell you."

She just stands there with a cold stare. It makes me shiver. I've never seen her like this before. Usually her beautiful brown eyes are filled with love, but not tonight, instead they are filled with doubt, fear and anger, so much anger.

I hate myself for hurting her this way. I'm terrified she'll never trust me again. Lord, what am I going to do if I loose her? "Liddy, as much as I don't want to admit how badly I screwed up. You need to know what happened tonight. Please, come sit down." I ask as I turn and head to the closest chair. Hoping if I sit she'll do the same.

It takes her a few moments to decide what she wants to do. I hold me breath the entire time because I know if she leaves without hearing me out, that means she has given up on us. When I see her take the first step towards the couch, I allow myself to breathe again. This is the first positive sign I've seen from her since I walked through the door. I scream hallelujah in my head and say a silent prayer, thanking the Lord that she's still here.

Then I take one last deep breath while I prepare myself for one of the most difficult discussions I'm ever going to have in my life.


Wow, an intense chapter!

What do you think Hunter has to tell Liddy?

Will she understand?

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